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瑞典社会体制独特,机制运行高效,法制健全,社会稳定,闻名世界。一个人口小国能取得如此巨大的成就,用瑞典人的话来说,旨在发展教育。事实证明,瑞典不仅建立起独具一格的系统的学校教育制度,实施从零岁到坟墓的终身教育体制,而且还创设了一套独一无二的全国免费教育体制。此文从瑞典教育的外语教学目标及教学测评、校本课程开发、外语基础教育投资、外语教师教学能力的发展四个方面,深入探究了瑞典外语基础教育的概况,旨在从中得到我国外语基础教育改革的启示。 Sweden’s unique social system, efficient operation of the mechanism, sound legal system, social stability, the world-famous. A small population country can make such a huge achievement, in the Swedish words, aimed at the development of education. Facts have proved that Sweden has not only established a unique and systematic school education system, implemented a lifelong education system from zero to grave, but also created a unique nationwide free education system. This article explores the general situation of basic foreign language education in Sweden from four aspects: the goal of foreign language teaching in Swedish education and teaching evaluation, the development of school-based curriculum, the investment in basic foreign language education and the development of foreign language teaching ability. Enlightenment of Reform.
作为档案主体的公务档案,其鉴定实践中存在诸多不足。文章从档案鉴定指导思想入手,分析了立卷归档鉴定、入馆档案鉴定、期满档案鉴定和开放档案鉴定须注意的问题。 As the a
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