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在企稳回升的喜人形势下,中西部经济出现后续增长乏力、结构调整任务艰巨等苗头性、倾向性问题随着中央和各地一系列应对金融危机措施的实施,中西部受冲击最严重的原材料工业基本从危机的阴霾中走了出来,与此同时,受危机影响较小和没有受到冲击的一些产业正在成为新一轮经济增长的引擎。《瞭望》新闻周刊日前赴湘、鄂、陕、宁等中西部省区调研了解到,中西部地区相对沿海来说对国际市场依存度比较低,受金融危机的冲击相对较小。危机初始,一些省区提出“化危为机”、“弯道超车”、“跨越发展”等发展战略,抓住国家宏观 In a gratifying situation of stabilization and recovery, the central and western regions saw sluggish follow-up growth and arduous task of structural adjustment. With the implementation of a series of measures by the central and local authorities to deal with the financial crisis, the Central and Eastern China’s most severely affected raw material industry Basically came out of the gloom of the crisis while at the same time some industries that were less affected by the crisis and did not get an impact were becoming engines of a new round of economic growth. Recently, the news weekly went to Hunan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Ningxia and other central and western provinces to study and understand that the central and western regions have a relatively low dependence on the international market relative to the coast and the impact from the financial crisis is relatively small. At the beginning of the crisis, some provinces and autonomous regions proposed such development strategies as “turning crises into opportunities”, “turning in corners”, “leapfrogging development”, and grasped the macroeconomic outlook of the country
一、关联理论关联理论是由Sperber和Wilson在他们合著的《关联:交际与认知》(Relevance:Communication and Cognition)一书中提出的。关联理论关注的核心问题是认知与交际,主
20世纪90年代,我国稻田化学除草普遍使用丁草胺乳油、乙草胺粉剂等酰胺类和禾大壮、杀草丹等氨基甲酸酯类除草剂,后来大面积使用苄嘧磺 In the 1990s, herbicides of butach
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