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最近,笔者又读《孙膑兵法》,对他“在战争中没有经常有利的形势可以利用,也不可能用一种固定的办法应付各种各样的情况,要根据天时、地利,和特定的具体的客观条件来决定战略战术”的论说,深受启迪,每读如初。联想到现在的商场,虽不是你死我活的战争,但也讲“出奇制胜”,也要根据天时、地利和变化了的具体情况制定相应的胜战谋略。市场供求矛盾的不断变化、市场竞争的日益激烈,精明的经营者既要有战略家的雄才大略,还必须根据市场供求关系的变化,不断设计新的营销谋略,方能纵横驰骋、决胜千里。已有许多农民总结了市场经济以来的经济教训,研究适应市场经济发展和需求变化的营销新谋略,使家庭经济的营销策略出现了许多新的走势。 Recently, the author read “Sun Yat-sen’s Art of War” and he “can not use the situation that is often not favorable in the war. It is impossible to deal with all kinds of situations in a fixed way. It must be based on the time of day, geographical location, and specific The specific objective conditions to determine the strategic and tactical theories are deeply enlightened and read every time. Associating with the current shopping malls, although not a war of your own, we also talk about ”surprisingly winning". We must also formulate corresponding strategies based on the specific circumstances of the time, location, and change. The ever-changing contradiction between market supply and demand and the increasingly fierce competition in the market mean that savvy managers must not only have strategic talents, but also must constantly design new marketing strategies based on changes in the supply and demand relationship in the market, in order to be able to compete and win. Many farmers have summed up the economic lessons since the market economy and studied new marketing strategies to adapt to the development of the market economy and changes in demand. This has led to many new trends in the marketing strategy of the family economy.
1999年1-10月我国主要进出口商品量值表1999年1-10月我国主要进出口商品量值表 1999-October, 1999 China’s Main Import and Export Commodity Values ​​Table January-
22集电视连续剧《突出重围》,已在中央电视台黄金时间连续播出。本文作者参加了拍摄工作,记述了航拍的片断。 22 episodes of television series “highlight encirclement
湖南省绥宁县第二中学蓼园文学社始建于1989年,创立19年来,定期出版《蓼园》社刊,由杨盛红老师担任指导教师兼社刊总编,文学活动开展得有声有色。 The 2nd Middle School of