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  They’ve turned words into action. In Pre?ov in Slovakia, a group of young people are insisting on being heard. They have set up an alternative parliament and are mobilising young people into exercising their civic rights and duties.
  These university students have high ambitions for their city. They are part of the local Youth Parliament, which means they’re taking matters into their own hands. One of their actions is a survey asking young people about their concerns and what changes they’d like to see in Pre?ov.
  Peter Kmec(Parliament Member): They go home from school, play on the computer, stuff like that…but don’t really engage. So this is one of our missions: to engage young people and maybe find out some
  more activities that could get them to get out a bit more and do something for the city.
  Participation in elections is a top priority in the campaign to raise awareness.
  Peter: A lot of young people don’t know that even there is something like European elections. So we found out that the young people who weren’t 18, they maybe would like to, also to vote, if the age could come down. And also they really like the idea of electronic elections.
  Their active citizenship initiatives are very diverse: from community work to organising concerts and youth activities.
  Daniel is one of the newest members of the youth parliament. He teaches young kids the importance of teamwork in football.
  Daniel: (via translator) It makes me really happy
  that, as I did, they’re getting to learn discipline and a healthy lifestyle. I’m teaching these kids the importance of the spirit of fair play. We’re creating such a positive environment in this city, that they won’t want to leave Pre?ov or go abroad.
  They regularly take their game to the Town Hall, where they present their projects. The mayor is a fan. Mayor Pavel Hagyari: (via translator)Pre?ov is a very old city, more than 800 years. But in its soul it’s young, because we have more than 30,000 students. We like the Youth Parliament’s ideas, the cultural and
  彼得:许多年轻人甚至连欧洲选举这类事情都不知道。我们发现如果合法投票年龄能够降下来的话,不满18岁的年轻人可能也会去投票。此外,他们对进行电子选举这个主意很感兴趣。   热心公民计划涵盖了许多内容,它包括社区工作、组织音乐会和年轻人的活动等等。
  普雷绍夫 Presov
  sports activities they organise. That’s why we value this, because they build a bridge between youth and politics.
  This parliament was given the backing of the 1)European Commission to organise, among other things, a series of meetings called Open Voices, where young people debate local issues.
  Miroslav Karahuta(Parliament Member): It was created because a lot of young people speak about their ideas and problem[s], but just inside their group of friends or families. So, the problems are not solved, the ideas are not spreading.
  Peter: Maybe you don’t know about it, but there is a space for you too, to participate and to create something really great.
  Miroslav: The Youth Parliament is important because the young people will listen to other young people, but they don’t want to listen or actually care about the high politician[s].

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