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  Define your MITs. MIT stands for most important task, and just by taking a few moments to identify 3–5 things you must accomplish each day, you will improve your overall productivity—because you can’t focus on your important work if you don’t know what’s important.
  Do the thing you want to do the least, first. Prioritize those items you are most likely to procrastinate—your day will go much more smoothly when the phone call you’re dreading or the report you don’t want to write are finished and no longer weighing on your mind.
  Don’t multi-task. We live in a multi-tab, multiple device kind of world, but scientists tell us that none of us is truly a good multi-tasker. Working on one thing at a time will make you faster and less apt to make mistakes.
  Work offline. The Internet is a fantastic, but tempting place. If you have difficulty avoiding its distractions, work offline or take your work somewhere without an Internet connection to force some focus. You can get so much work done on long plane journeys and sometimes you can go to a local coffee shop for some uninterrupted work.
  Do important work. In the classic Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey presents a matrix that divides our activities into four categories: urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent and unimportant, and not urgent not important. The key is to spend most of our time in quadrant two, doing the important work that isn’t driven by crisis.
  Be succinct. When writing emails, get to the point quickly. A good rule of thumb is to limit your email to five sentences or less.
  Batch similar tasks. The simplest example of this is choosing to process emails only once or twice a day rather than jumping like one of Pavlov’s dogs every time the computer dings. Identify tasks that are interrupting your flow (email, phone calls, meetings, etc.) and schedule a time to do them all at once.   批量处理相似任务。最简单的例子就是每天抽出一或两段时间只处理邮件,而不是像巴甫洛夫的狗那样,电脑一响就跳过去查看。找出那些容易打断你工作流程的任务(电子邮件、电话、会议等等),定个时间把它们一次性处理完。
  In our modern world, everyone is looking to do things faster, better, smarter, so it’s no wonder that productivity hacks are incredibly popular.
  But the truth is that there’s nothing new under the sun; despite whatever the newest book, product, or guru wants to sell you, you can learn to become more productive with work habits people have used for many years. Apply even a few of these and you will increase your productivity, guaranteed:
  Create a morning routine (and an afternoon routine and an evening routine). For many people, defining and sticking to a morning routine can help ensure a smooth start to the day. If you know you operate at your best when you have exercised and had a good breakfast, making those things a priority will positively affect the rest of your day. Likewise, routines for other times of the day can streamline daily tasks.
  Eliminate, automate, delegate. Doing your best work often requires eliminating or minimizing tasks that you don’t need to do. First, eliminate anything you can from your to do list; determine if any tasks can be automated with technology or templates; and finally, delegate any tasks that don’t need your personal attention to a co-worker or assistant.
  Edit your input streams and simplify. Most people wouldn’t want to give up their newsletters, social media, or blog reading, but there are ways to make your media consumption more productive. First, ruthlessly edit your media streams to the most valuable and important ones; then, find ways to streamline your consumption with RSS feeds, apps like Hootsuite, and offline readers.
列车刚刚在包头站停稳  两个被行李包裹压弯的民工  率先挤上了车然后在车厢门口  站稳了脚  列车员喊一次“别在门口挡路”  他们就向前挪一点  两个小时后,列车停靠在呼和浩特站  而这两个人只是向前挪了半米  一千三百里  他們就是这样一点一点地  挪回了南方老家讨 债  向山川讨回一行泪水  我背着行李,远离家乡  你一直缄默  向鱼讨回一次复生  把带血的棍棒扔给你  我的头骨总会痛一下  
轻轻握着一枯枝  不算是不太幸运的  秋天容易遇见茫然  枯枝像往常一样冷静  阳光在它的体内全部消失  不想再等候目光  射过来虚假的温暖  手的柔软还在加重  脉络里流动着的该停止了  鸟叫也飞走了  绿意是明年春天的热烈  正常的情形是 枯枝始终清醒黄 昏  黄昏 最适合享受安静  让相思的泪水洗涤一遍  仰望天空 马上要出现星星了  比明亮更亮的没有多少  害怕钻入死胡同  看见蜷缩在墙角
Kobe Bryant is better than Michael Jordan—at least as far as the NBA’s all-time scoring list is concerned.  On Dec 14, 2014, the Los Angeles Lakers star reached 32,293 points in the second quarter of
现在,阴影和荒草之身  开始被遗忘  就像阳光,可以隐藏起  神秘的能量  某一秒,时钟的黑色箭头  瞄准,旋转的事物  我们都离得很近  我们也好像慢慢地沉落  在白雪的背景之上  我们幻为羽毛,幻为了翅膀  我们可以,用许多翎羽  给一棵向日葵作画  我们需要金黄的颜色,需要  妆容之后,紧紧地抱住自己  为它,温热细小的血脉  我们也需要,大口地调整气息  挺着胸膛,探出额头  替代温润的微
不承想,百草的尽头  竟是两畦列队迎候我的青菜。  它们此刻立在园子里  或许下一刻就躺进了包子里、盘子里  一副随遇而安的样子。  粗粝的中年止步于  不再光滑的石井栏边  我不敢伸长脖子往井里看  怕看不见水,更怕看见水,看见水里  一张因脱水而涟漪泛起的脸。  是啊,不速之客宜匆匆离去  也好留下几分念想与清静  一如童年、爱情和迟到的早春  哪怕仅仅是在  几行自欺欺人的文字中。早市一瞥 
As you watched the 2014 FIFA World Cup over the few weeks, you heard a lot of people call the sport “football”.  If you’re American, however, there’s a good chance you call it “soccer”. And despite wh