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  Kobe Bryant is better than Michael Jordan—at least as far as the NBA’s all-time scoring list is concerned.
  On Dec 14, 2014, the Los Angeles Lakers star reached 32,293 points in the second quarter of a game against the Minnesota Timberwolves at the Target Center, which allowed him to finally surpass Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan (32,292 points). Now, Kobe has moved into the third place in career scoring, with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (38,387 points) and Karl Malone (36,928 points) ahead of him.
  The Timberwolves stopped the game, whose owner Glen Taylor presented Kobe with the game ball and a Lakers-heavy crowd gave a standing ovation. Kobe, with a big smile on his face, received hugs from teammates and the Timberwolves, and waved to the crowd.
  Indeed, the milestone is no small feat for Kobe, as he forged his Hall of Fame career in Jordan’s shadow. Almost since the day Kobe entered the league in 1996 at the age of 18, everything about the two invited comparison, from their sizes (each 198cm) to the almost eerie similarities of the way they pump their fists after big shots. The debate has raged on whether Kobe can surpass Jordan all the time.
  Kobe seemed to long for getting rid of these comparisons. “The thing that I always bristled at was the notion that I learned everything that I know from Michael,” Kobe told Bleacher Report.
  However, his health issues got in the way. Kobe missed all but six games in 2013-14, first recovering from a torn Achilles and then suffering a season-ending knee injury.
  Jordan shot a higher field goal percentage, won six titles to the five that Kobe has now and climbed past Wilt Chamberlain into third on the list at 1,039 games in 2003 compared to Kobe’s 1,269 then.
  But Kobe’s competitiveness, tenacity and sheer will, is about as close as it gets to Jordan. “Just like we’ve never seen another player like Michael Jordan, we will never see another player like Kobe Bryant!” Lakers Hall of Famer Magic Johnson (Earvin Johnson) tweeted.
  With two all-time greats (Jabbar and Karl Malone) still ahead of Kobe, whether he can continue to progress remains to be seen. It may be difficult for him to push even further, but he’s certainly already entered the legendary territory.
  摆脱这些比较似乎是科比长久以来的愿望。科比在接受美国体育媒体Bleacher Report采访时曾说:“我所学到的一切都来自迈克尔的这个观点,总是让我很不开心。”
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