
来源 :老同志之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenlijinping
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“幸福是什么?就是遭罪!”面对市中心两室一厅的精装修住宅,爸爸不自觉地重复小品里的台词。是呀,爸爸离不开农村,成天嚷嚷着要回农村,说是受够了城里的“洋罪”。农村虽好,但住时间长了也困难重重:烧火麻烦、用水麻烦、购物麻烦、子女探望也不易,更主要的是万一有个急病上医院也不方便…… “What is happiness? Is suffered!” Facing the city center two bedrooms a fine decoration homes, my father unconsciously repeat the lines in the short story. Yeah, my father can not live without the countryside, yelling back to the countryside day after day, saying that it is enough of the city’s “foreign sin.” Although the countryside is good, it can be difficult to live long hours: burning fire, water, shopping, children visiting is not easy, and more importantly, it is inconvenient to go to the hospital in case of emergency.
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巴蒂:这是我不能入选国家队的原因之一。有巴蒂我可能就永远不能打主力。可我想我的风格和巴蒂不同,我可以接受教练给我的任何任务。转会:啊……这个想法已经产生很久了, B
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