
来源 :中国小儿血液 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianjun9
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为探讨检测尿多胺校正抑制率在诊治小儿恶性血液病临床诊断中的意义,本院采用尿试纸法观察了恶性血液病组(79例)及对照组(110例其它疾病患儿)所测得的多胺校正抑制率。并用SAS6.04版统计软件中的procMEAN过程计算。所得结果显示,恶性血液病组的尿多胺校正抑制率明显高于对照组(P<0.01),具有统计学意义。两组原始数据的散点图式比较分析也支持这一结论。说明该方法在临床上可用于可疑恶性血液病恶性程度的筛查及其恶性程度的判断 In order to explore the detection of urinary polyamine correction inhibition rate in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric hematological malignancies clinical significance, the hospital urine test paper method was used to observe the hematological malignancy group (79 cases) and the control group (110 cases of other diseases) measured The polyamine corrected inhibition rate. And calculated using the procMEAN process in SAS 6.04 statistical software. The results showed that the inhibition rate of urinary polyamine in hematologic malignancy group was significantly higher than that in control group (P <0.01), with statistical significance. The scatter plot comparison analysis of the two sets of raw data also supports this conclusion. Indicating that the method is clinically available for the screening of malignant hematological malignancies and the judgment of the degree of malignancy
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