万物生 春映画 “薇拉风”元素系列大片

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这组冲击力极强的春夏灵感大片是薇拉摄影继主打“混搭”、“撞色”的概念后,全新推出的元素系列作品。秉承了薇拉团队主张的“时尚、自然、幸福、健康”的理念,融入了插画拼贴及绘画的元素,通过植物、动物的素材和仿外景的光效表现出画而的生动性,但又区别于外景实拍,以拼贴合成的方式表现出人、动物与大自然的奇妙关系和不可分割性。 This group of extremely strong spring and summer inspirational inspirational film is the main play after the Vera photography “mix and match ”, “hit color ” concept, the new element series of works. Adhering to the Vera team advocates of “fashion, nature, happiness, health,” the concept of integration into the illustrator collage and painting elements, through the plants, animals and imitation of the scenery of the luminous efficiency of the painting shows the vividness , But also different from the location of real shots, collage synthesis shows man, animals and nature of the wonderful relationship and indivisibility.
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