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  Hollywood Glamor
  受旧好莱坞永远炫酷、彻底诱惑的启发,澳门罗斯福酒店终于为亚洲的精英,带来永无休止的派对 — 幻想一下伊比萨岛、迈阿密、拉斯维加斯,这里有望紧步后尘,成为乐坛监制、奢华时尚偶像与爱冒险的社会名流的热门消遣场所。澳门罗斯福酒店将南加州浮华之地的魅力缩影带到澳门,澳门第一个真正的派对皇宫和拥有368间客房的避世之地从此将风云际会,迎来送往。
  The Macau Roosevelt, currently on soft opening, is set to become the center of attention in Asia's entertainment capital.
  Inspired by the forever cool and utterly seductive power of Old Hollywood, the new five-star hotel brings to Macau a glamorous lifestyle experience with its designer rooms. Tapping into Tinseltown back when Southern California epitomized glamour like none other, Macau's newest chic retreat features 368 photogenic guestrooms including the Marilyn Penthouse, billed as the sexiest stays in Asia's favourite playground.
  Duplicate Hollywood
  澳门罗斯福酒店的设计灵感源自大自然,巧妙运用清新脱俗的澳门区花—莲花串连各种元素,以变化多端的姿态呈现于酒店不同角落。酒店楼高12层,洋溢好莱坞式华丽摩登风情和20世纪50年代的复古格调,将洛杉矶著名旗舰酒店好莱坞罗斯福酒店的璀璨魅力带到澳门。澳门罗斯福酒店由驻洛杉矶设计师Gulla Jónsdóttir操刀,揉合澳门旧区的葡国风情,展现出当地社区的迷人面貌。正如其他现代经典之作,澳门罗斯福酒店以一丝不苟的细节取胜。
  Billed as "a modern take on Hollywood glam with a 1950s retro twist", this 12-story hotel brings the epitomized "Tinseltown" glamour to Macau from its flagship and namesake hotel, the renowned Hollywood Roosevelt in Los Angeles. Designed by Los-Angeles-based designer Gulla Jónsdóttir, it incorporates the Portuguese style of historic Macau, bringing a glimpse of the local community. Inspired by nature, the hotel design is integrated through a Chinese lotus flower, the official symbol of Macau. This beautiful flower is the thread that ties it all together and is seen throughout the hotel in various forms.
  奢华在左 复古在右
  Luxury Goes with Retro
  The exterior fa?ade sets a grand yet warm and welcoming arrival experience. The entrance is equipped with a large awning clad in wooden organic shapes and backlit perforated metal. A curvaceous concrete reception desk and back wall combined with a vertical garden in lobby evoke a luxury resort feeling.
  Old Hollywood iconic photography is featured on each level of the hotel, and carved walls and ceiling are shaped like a Hollywood movie star in the 1950s, taking guests back to the time when the first Academy Awards were held at the Hollywood Roosevelt. Vintage lighting, books and accessories can be found in the corners of the hotel, bringing a retro twist to the Hollywood glam.   Ebony lacquered burnt wood doors, high polished bronze and carved Italian marble, the five-star living spaces at the Macau Roosevelt effortlessly balance sleek curvilinear style with a relaxed, designer vibe. These decidedly adult playpens are sexy down to the doorknobs. Gulla, has brought a "modern take on Hollywood glam with a 1950s retro twist" to The Macau Roosevelt. Paying homage to classical Chinese art, which celebrates the beauty of nature throughout ages, the designer has incorporated the ancient Chinese scroll of falling autumn leaves in the rooms and suites. The debossed metal walls with subtle leaf patterns are a modern interpretation of the scroll, reflecting retro luxury in the hotel.
  The Sexiest Stays in Asia’s Favorite Playground
  Go all the way, to the top that is. These penthouse pleasure palaces are named after Hollywood Roosevelt regular guest Marilyn Monroe. What you do there is up to you…
  CASA Roosevelt and Tropicana Suite
  Sprawled across the entire third floor, CASA Roosevelt is an all-day playground with various playful facilities and outlets. Tropicana Suite is the highlight of Casa Roosevelt which is exclusively reserved for Macau's swankiest private gatherings and extraordinary moments, featuring modern innovative design details, ice-marble walls and candle holders that set the scene with smooth wood accents and cool style. Other modern innovative design details in the CASA Roosevelt include the multi-curved concrete ceiling resembling an ocean wave, and laser cut metal screens and curved bronze columns which resemble flora and fauna, and the Portuguese style of historic Macau respectively.
  The Pool
  The pool serves as a tropical beach escape from city life. It's shaped after a portion of a lotus flower, with a wood leaf shaped bridge in the centre holding a few chaise lounges. Gaudi-style tiling surrounds the pool, inspired by the historic Mediterranean influence in Macau's history.
  Looking back on the history of Roosevelt brand, it will be found that the Los Angles Roosevelt was where the 1st Academy Awards Banquet was held. Hollywood Avenue set as the background, it never dims, always full of vigor and starlight. It can be said that the taste of big shots have an undeniable impact upon design style of a hotel. The exterior of The Macau Roosevelt, however, lays focus upon environmental protection. Green and glass curtain wall speak of futuristic design idea; rooms highlight low-profile luxury; oak floor, brass wall, customized leather beds… in all, it looks plain, but it feels noble.
Ibis Styles Ulaanbaatar Polaris Debuts  作為雅高酒店集团在蒙古的首家酒店,宜必思尚品乌兰巴托酒店在乌兰巴托汗乌拉区开业。该酒店设有95间客房,距离成吉思汗国际机场仅需15分钟车程,客房采用时尚的室内设计方案,明亮的橙色和蓝绿色与墙壁上充满乐趣的涂鸦作品相映成趣。  近年来乌兰巴托经历了文化复兴,涌现出大量的博物馆、美术馆、剧院演出和俱乐部,拥有从历史古迹到寺
Aman New York Set to Debut in 2020  安縵宣布将在纽约开设全新的纽约安缦。酒店计划于2020年开业,位于曼哈顿中心第五大道和57街的交叉口,栖身于标志性的历史建筑皇冠大厦,可以俯瞰整个中央公园。  纽约安缦由著名建筑师Jean-Michel Gathy担纲设计, 将大厦高层打造成19套安缦私人物业及一套跨越五层、俯瞰中央公园的顶层豪华公寓。83间舒适的客房和套房面
圈地运动  近年来,国际酒店巨头在华的圈地运动一浪高过一浪。在区域分布上,这些酒店项目已然从沿海一线城市向二三线城市拓展,从东部发达地区向西部欠发达地区延伸,甚至广东、浙江等发达地区的县级城市也已开始投资运营五星级酒店项目。特别是在2012年,酒店业的圈地运动“热闹”异常。  中国作为增长迅速的经济体,個人旅游或是商务旅行的数量都在不断提升中,这为酒店业发展提供了巨大动力。鉴于集团经营的酒店涵盖范
这世界上的人总是以群体作为标志来标榜与张扬自我的存在感,自此便成为一种不可小觑的潮流与走向。小清新便是如此。  百度对“小清新”这样定义:最初指的是一种以清新唯美、随意创作风格见长的音乐类型,也就是人们常说的Indie Pop,后逐渐扩散到文学、电影、摄影等各种文化艺术领域。在中国,偏爱清新、唯美的文艺作品、生活方式深受清新风格影响的一批年轻人,也被叫做“小清新”。  她们不外乎用文字和电影来认知
酒吧,单就这两个字就可以让你想到花花世界里的灯红酒绿与纸醉金迷:妩媚的美女、诱惑性极强的美酒、以及各种舞姿、各种欢乐、各种迷醉的灯光……暂停,我想让你知道的这些不是一般形式上的酒吧,它们都有着个各自奇异的格局与风格,凭借各自的主题元素绝对让你惊叹,绝对与你所见不同,绝对令你大开眼界。或许很多人早有耳闻、或许很多人亲临其境,但它们的魅力与诱惑并却并为因此而有丝毫的消退。  海星酒吧 艺术的姿态  这
MGallery by Sofitel Opens Its First Establishment In Versailles  路易斯凡尔赛宫美憬阁索菲特酒店于2017年修葺一新,靈感直接取自毗邻的凡尔赛宫。酒店距离凡尔赛宫及其花园仅200米路程,所在地正是1854年由拿破仑三世陆军部所建的炮队骑马场地旧址。酒店设有152间客房,其中7间为套房,重新设计工作由俄罗斯建筑公司Sundukovy S
作为摩洛哥最大的城市与文化经济中心,卡萨布兰卡是丰富而喧嚷的,长途跋涉至此,最佳选择不如从机场直奔卡萨布兰卡四季酒店的乐·Spa。如何让身心以最快速度进入到假期的松弛中,这里会给你一个满意的答案。  As the biggest city as well as the cultural and economic center in Moroco, Casablanca is colourful a
Hoshino Resorts Presents the Chinese Website of KAI in China  今年9月,日本度假村管理公司星野集團董事长星野佳路先生携旗下品牌及酒店代表在北京、上海举办两场发布会,向中国旅游同业及媒体带来旗下酒店详尽介绍与最新资讯,这也是星野集团首次在中国举办品牌发布会。  星野集团创始于1904年的轻井泽地区,旗下拥有高端奢华酒店品牌虹夕诺雅、精品温
洱海的核心价值在于宁静祥和,当地民风淳朴,白族姑娘笑容甜美,白族小伙勤劳爽朗。正因为如此,一大批社会精英低调地汇聚在这里,只为过另外一种生活,看着在洱海边上一身禅意在打坐的住客,不禁觉得住客们也要把自己变成了美景,这些人、这些情也让洱海有了独特的脾性。在双廊的日子里,除了最基本的蜗居,想要更加享受阳光,也要选择出去走走。让自己感受美景与美食,让自己享受美景与美食。  奇遇从出发开始  匆匆从大理火