
来源 :山东劳动 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyutong
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前一段时间,我省在全省范围内进行了劳动用工大检查,从检查的情况看,绝大多数企业执行劳动法律法规、和谐劳动关系、维护劳动者合法权益是好的和比较好的。但是,有的企业侵犯劳动者合法权益的事也屡见不鲜,而且情况相当严重,令人发指。青岛市一家个体饭店女老板,对打工妹严酷摧残,致死人命;有的企业用管理劳改犯人的办法管理企业职工;有的对员工随意搜身、搜包;有的拖欠、克扣职工的工资;有的违反国家工时制度,任意加班加点;有的工作环境条件恶劣,缺少劳动保护;有的发生工伤死亡事故不上报;有的私招乱雇农民工、童工;有的不与劳动者签订劳动合同,不交养老保险金、失业保险金,等等。诸如此类企业侵犯劳动者合法权益的行为,在我省各地都程度不同地存在着。 Some time ago, our province carried out large-scale inspection of labor and employment within the province. From the inspection situation, it is good and relatively good that most enterprises implement labor laws and regulations, harmonious labor relations, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of laborers. However, it is not uncommon for some enterprises to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of laborers, and the situation is quite serious and outrageous. Qingdao City, an individual hotel female boss, the working girl harsh destruction, life-threatening; some enterprises with the management of labor reform prisoners management of enterprise workers; some of the staff at random search, search package; some arrears, withholding the wages of workers; have Some work in harsh conditions, lack of labor protection; Some accidents do not work injury fatalities reported; Some private chaos hired migrant workers, child labor; Some do not sign the labor contract with the workers, Do not pay old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, and so on. Such acts of infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of laborers such as these enterprises exist to varying degrees in all parts of our province.
第十三讲 法律责任董超洁《劳动法》的法律责任是劳动法的基本内容之一。通常情况下,一项法律的实施效果如何,很大程度上取决于法律责任规定的合理性与可能实现的程度怎样。从
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驻足仰视,我的心与情渐渐融化在漫山的苍翠之中。它身躯傲岸,坚实的臂膀陡然直立,直指九天,以磅礴之势拨弄星之音符、天河之弦,奏出风吼雷鸣的沧海飞乐! Stopping to look u