有着“未受污染的长寿岛、回归自然的好去处”之美誉的海南岛,随着旅游资源大规模成片开发的展开,越来越受到海内外旅游者的青睐。她那明媚的阳光、苍翠的椰林、美丽的港湾、天然的浴场、细软的沙滩、习习的海风,令您从椰风海韵中领略到一种反朴归真的野趣和热烈奔放的氛围。 海南岛的开发者们,终于悟出:这里热带旅游资源开发潜力巨大,必须将旅游业作为全省经济发展的龙头产业。发挥资源优势,利用优惠政策,以市场为导向、全社会共办大旅游;必须按照国际标准,开发以海滨度假为
Hainan Island, known as the “unspoiled longevity island, a good place to return to nature,” has become more and more favored by tourists both at home and abroad with the development of large-scale tourism resources. Her bright sunshine, green coconut palms, beautiful harbor, natural beach, soft sand beach, sea breeze to learn, so that you enjoy the coconut wind Rhododendron rustic charm and a warm and imaginative atmosphere. Developers in Hainan Island have finally realized that there is great potential for the development of tropical tourism resources here and must regard tourism as the leading industry in the province’s economic development. Play a resource advantage, the use of preferential policies, market-oriented, the whole society a total of tourism; must be in accordance with international standards, the development of seaside resort as