
来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tj_tong
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我国正在开始进入国家建设的高潮。全体人民和干部为迎接这一高潮,表现出很大的积极性。为了把这种积极性引导到正确的轨道,必须正确地制订国家建设计划,这是今天我国政治生活中头等重要的工作。正确地制定国家建设计划的两个关键性问题,就是善于抓住决定环节,善于发掘潜在力量。正确地编制国家的建设计划,决不等于把各类数字简单地综合起来。国家的建设计划是国家在一定时期内政治和经济任务的集中表现,是全国人民行动的纲领和法律,它规定着我国工业化的速度和步骤,规定着国民经济和文化教育事业发展的途径。没有计划,或者没有正确而实际的计划,便必然使我们的建设事业陷于盲目状态,陷于被动,浪费国家的人力、财力,以至推迟国家建设的进程。国家计划必须符合于国家当前的任务和长远的利益,必须从全局出发,并且抓住全局中的决定环节。什么是我们的建设计划中的决定环节呢?我们的建设计划的任务是要使我国在抗美援朝的条件下实现国家工业化,因此,在我们面前,决定的环节就是发展重工业,特别是那些对 Our country is beginning to enter the climax of national construction. All the people and cadres have shown great enthusiasm to meet this climax. In order to guide this enthusiasm to the right track, we must correctly formulate a national construction plan, which is the first-most important task in our political life today. To correctly formulate the two key issues of the national construction plan is to be good at grasping the decision-making session and being good at identifying the potential forces. Correctly compiling a national construction plan will by no means be a simple summation of all kinds of figures. The state's construction plan is a concentrated manifestation of the country's political and economic tasks over a certain period of time and is a platform and law for the people's action throughout the country. It sets the pace and steps for industrialization in our country and regulates the development of the national economy and culture and education. Without a plan or without a correct and realistic plan, we will inevitably blind our construction undertaking and will be trapped in being passive and wasting human and financial resources and even delaying the process of nation-building. National plans must conform to the current tasks and long-term interests of the country. They must proceed from the overall situation and grasp the decisive steps in the overall situation. What is the decision-making link in our construction plan? The task of our construction plan is to enable our country to industrialize the country under the conditions of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. Therefore, the decision before us is to develop the heavy industry, and especially those
父亲走了十多年了。作为他最小的儿子,站在他的墓前,对着他的雕像,我想说些什么呢?我能说些什么呢?他老人家走过的这百年,是中国扭转乾坤、翻覆天地的百年。这百年的中国历史太丰富了,他的人生历程也太丰富了,我看不尽,听不够,也享用不完。我只能在我的思念中寻找,寻找他老人家在我一生中留下最深烙印的东西。  对人,要做“雪中送炭”的事情  少儿时,父亲就教育我们说:对人,要做“雪中送炭”的事情。他还不止一次
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