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本文估价了大量生产的有效的微处理器在需要抗辐照加固的某些系统中的适应性。设计并研制了一种微型控制器,用来监测和控制军用的地面操作设备的功能,证明它超过了抗辐照加固的目标。微型控制器模型机的研制需要硬件和软件设计,选择LSI 和其他类型的器件,研究器件和模型机的电学和辐照测试技术,并完成对LSI 器件和整个模型机的辐照试验。微型控制器包括一个16位的中央处理部件,一个1096字的唯读存贮器和一个256字的随机存贮器。模型机包含了一个“过量报警”线路(CircumventionCircuity),它有一PIN二极管辐照检测器。处理器所用的器件是MMI6701TTL 肖特基双极四位片。为了在辐照时对微处理器和存贮器的现场进行电学测试,研制了一个电学测量线路。针对Tettadyne J283微型电路测试仪,研究了一个测量程序,能比较完全的测量MMI6701微处理器的电学特性。在微型控制器中,用了一个简单的自检测试算法来完成辐照时的测试。为了使微型控制器的运转符合实情,用了一个TI960A小型计算机提供微型控制器模型机需要的复杂输入,并验证模型机的输出。包括TTL,I~2L,和N—MOS 工艺的几种LSI 器件得到了辐照试验的数据。对模型机进行了瞬时剂量率辐照试验,使剂量率适当的过量并能得到恢复,这个剂量率达到和等于10~(?)拉德(硅)/秒的最大剂量率。从器件的试验结果可以认为,模型机的加固水平超过7×10~5拉德(硅)6×10~(13)中子/厘米~2。 This article assesses the suitability of mass-produced effective microprocessors in some systems that require anti-radiation reinforcement. A micro-controller was designed and developed to monitor and control the functioning of military ground handling equipment and to prove that it exceeded the goal of anti-radiation reinforcement. Microcontroller model machine development needs hardware and software design, select LSI and other types of devices, research devices and model machine electrical and radiation test technology, and to complete the LSI device and the entire model machine irradiation test. The microcontroller includes a 16-bit central processing unit, a 1096 word read only memory and a 256 word random access memory. The model machine includes a “CircumventionCircuity” circuit, which has a PIN diode radiation detector. The device used by the processor is the MMI6701TTL Schottky bipolar four-chip. In order to conduct electrical tests on the scene of the microprocessor and memory during irradiation, an electrical measurement circuit was developed. For the Tettadyne J283 microcircuit tester, a measurement program was investigated that can fully measure the electrical characteristics of the MMI6701 microprocessor. In microcontrollers, a simple self-test algorithm is used to complete the test at the time of irradiation. In order for the microcontroller to work, a TI960A minicomputer was used to provide the complex inputs required by the microcontroller model machine and verify the output of the model machine. Several LSI devices, including TTL, I-2L, and N-MOS processes, have been subjected to radiation test data. An instantaneous dose rate irradiation test was performed on the model machine so that the dose rate was properly overdosed and recovered, at a dose rate equal to the maximum dose rate of 10? (?) / S. From the device test results can be considered, the model machine reinforcement level of more than 7 × 10 ~ 5 rad (silicon) 6 × 10 ~ (13) neutrons / cm ~ 2.
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