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印度的采矿工业已有一百多年的历史。然而事实证明:这个国家只有在摆脱殖民地枷锁以后,采矿工业才有了突飞猛进的发展。现在,无论在采煤部门还是在非采煤部门,生产能力都大幅度地增长了。与此同时,在矿物开采和选别生产中采用现代化技术,也是整个印度矿业界的重要特点。尽管采矿工业已经取得了长足的进步,但对于保护环境和生态平衡的必要性仍缺乏足够的重视。不过,近年来无论是政府机关还是非政府部门都越来越认识到采矿工业对环境和生态可能造成的不利影响和采取措施减轻这类有害影响的必要性。于是,从70年代中期起,政府就颁布了有关空气、水、噪声污染的各种法规,并设置了中央级和邦级的污染防治管理局。目前,项目甲方(project proponent)要从事矿石和矿物的开采以及延长矿区租用契约期限,就必须得到邦和中央政府有关部门的许可。为此,必须提交所谓“环境管理规划”(EMP),详细说明控制环境退化的各种方案。拥有30多年采矿和冶金工业的各种工作经验的印度冶金工程咨询公司(Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants(India)Ltd.,简称“MECON”)及时而果断地为采取行动作好了准备,以便应付各种环境同题和生态问题对这个国家提出的挑战。该公司已建立了正式的环境工程部,配备了各个不同学科的专家,装备了公司内部的各种现代化实验室。印度冶金工程咨询公司成功地完成了有关环境和生态同题方面的工作任务。该公司在矿业环境规划方面的贡献,既包括露天开采,也包括地下开采;在其环境管理规划中,该公司特别强调(与其他方面相比)合理设计排土场几何形状、矿坑水沉淀网(sedimentation network)、防渗帷幕(barrier mounds)、在项目所在地内部和四周建立绿化带以及采后土地的复垦和恢复。本文试图简要介绍印度冶金工程咨询公司在印度采矿和矿物工业环境管理规划方面的作用。该公司热切地希望继续为今天我们大家都关心的这个工业领域服务。 India’s mining industry has a history of more than 100 years. However, facts have proved that only after the country has rid itself of the shackles of the colonies has the mining industry developed by leaps and bounds. Now, both in the coal mining sector and in the non-coal sector, productivity has increased dramatically. At the same time, the adoption of modern technologies in mineral extraction and by-product production is also an important feature of the entire Indian mining community. Although the mining industry has made great strides, its lack of sufficient attention to the need to protect the environment and ecological balance. However, in recent years, both government agencies and non-governmental organizations are increasingly aware of the possible adverse environmental and ecological impact of the mining industry and the need to take measures to mitigate such harmful effects. As a result, since the mid-1970s, the government promulgated various laws and regulations on air, water and noise pollution and set up Pollution Control Administration at the central and state levels. At present, the project proponent must engage in the exploitation of ores and minerals and extend the lease term of the mining area, and must obtain the permission of the relevant departments of the state and the central government. To this end, the so-called “Environmental Management Plan” (EMP) must be submitted detailing various options for controlling environmental degradation. Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd. (MECON), with more than 30 years of mining and metallurgical industry experience, is prepared to act promptly and decisively to deal with a wide range of Environmental challenges and ecological challenges to the country. The company has established a formal environmental engineering department, equipped with experts in various disciplines, equipped with various modern laboratories within the company. India Metallurgical Engineering Consulting has successfully completed its work on environmental and ecological issues. The company’s contribution to the planning of the mining environment includes both open pit and underground mining; in its environmental management plan, the company places particular emphasis (compared with other aspects) on the rational design of the dump site geometry, pit sedimentation network sedimentation networks, barrier mounds, establishment of green belts within and around the project site, and reclamation and restoration of post-harvest land. This article attempts to outline briefly the role of Indian Metallurgical Engineering Consulting in environmental management planning for the mining and mineral industries in India. The company is eager to continue serving the industrial sector that we all care about today.
【摘 要】 掌握新时期大学生的思想特点,能做到理论联系实际,提高思想政治教育工作的实效性。新时期,大学生的思想特点是强烈希望中华民族的伟大复兴早日成为现实,接受新事物快,创新欲望强烈,勤奋努力,努力成才,同时大学生的逆反心理较重。  【关键词】 大学生 思想特点 创新  大学生的思想特点是客观存在通过大学生的社会实践活动反映到大脑后,在大学生的主观能动性的作用下经过思维加工而产生的特殊的理性认识。