圣米贵利脱油田发现了两组共轭早期逆掩断层,帕德拉胡安断层就是其中最大者。将褶皱展平,求得了帕德拉胡安断层的原始产状,表明它是在NNW-SSE的水平挤压应力作用下产生的。这一应力作用与该区的万吐拉大街背斜(简称万吐拉背斜)和林康背斜所要求的构造应力不相适应,表明了应力场的变化。变形的顺序是:最初是NNW-SSF挤压的逆掩断层,随后是沿帕德拉胡安断层的右行平移运动,最后是近南北挤压而形成万吐拉背斜,林康背斜以及相应晚期纵向逆断层。全过程发生于第四纪,并因圣安德利斯断层在大转弯(Big Bend)处的右行滑动和挤压而形成。这些早期逆掩断层与岩层一起褶皱形成背斜油藏。
Two groups of conjugate early reverse thrust faults were discovered in the Sanmi Guilin Oilfield, and the Padre Juan fault was the largest of them. Flattening the folds yields the original shape of the Padra-Juan fault, indicating that it is produced by the horizontal compressive stress of NNW-SSE. This stress function is incompatible with the tectonic stress required by the anticlinal part of the Wan Taura Avenue anticline in the area and the Aikang anticline, indicating the change of the stress field. The order of deformation is as follows: The NNW-SSF crust is the reverse overthrust, followed by the right-lateral translational movement along the Padra-Juan fault, and finally the Nantura anticline is formed near the north-south crust. The Lankang anticline As well as the corresponding late longitudinal thrust faults. The whole process took place in the Quaternary and was formed by sliding and squeezing the St. Andriss Fault at the right bank at the Big Bend. These early thrust strata folded with the formation to form anticline reservoirs.