刘鲁生虽然没有当过兵,但他的气质和作风却深受当兵人的敬佩。 1998年初,刘鲁生由分管武装工作的县委副书记被全县人民推选为县长。作为沾化县的一县之长,带领群众扶贫攻坚、发展经济的任务自然十分艰巨,但作为县武委会主任和县国防教育委员会主任,他也深知肩负的国防建设重任,他把武装工作时刻放在心中,认真履行着自己的职责。
Although Liu Lusheng has not been a soldier, but his temperament and style are deeply admired by the soldier. At the beginning of 1998, Liu Lusheng was elected as county magistrate by the county people’s deputy secretary of the county party committee in charge of armed work. As a county leader in Zhanhua County, it is naturally a daunting task to lead the masses in tackling poverty and advancing economic development. However, as director of the county’s Narcotics Commission and director of the county’s National Defense Education Commission, he also understands the important task of national defense that he shoulders. Work time in mind, conscientiously perform their duties.