国内外教学实践证明,利用故事的形式对小学生进行外语教学是一种富有成效的方法,英国的安德鲁·华特(Andrew Wright)在匈牙利利用故事教授英语获得了巨大的成功,故事教学为什么可行、有效和必要?研究表明,故事对儿童有一种普遍的吸引力。
儿童的学习主要由好奇心与兴趣诱发,适合儿童的故事,会让他们乐此不疲,充分调动与激发小学生的形象思维与创造性思维。如诗歌《Beautiful Spring》:
Beautiful spring is here./The win-ter is gone./But the birds are back./The snow is gone./But the flowers are.back./Old coats are gone. But new ones are here./Spring is a beautiful time.
短而优美的语言,运用birds、snow、flowers、coats就把春天的美丽写得如此的令人神往,借此向学生提问:What can you write about spring?激起学生的好奇,引动学生对春天的景象的想象。这个故事正好与小学牛津教材的《Season》单元结合,当然还可以选用以其他季节为内容的故事。引发学生的兴趣与好奇心。
John: Good afternoon.
George: Good afternoon,I’m flying to Singapore this afternoon.
John :Fine, I need your ticket and your passport,please.
George: (Handing them to him)My ticket and my passport.
John :Thank you. Would you like to sit in a smoking area or a non-smoking area?
George : Non-smoking,please.
John : Non-smoking.
George:Thank you. Excuse me,could I have a seat by the window,please?
John : Yes, of course.
George :Thank you very much.
John:You are welcome, have a pleasant flight, sir.
George: Thank you.
John :’Bye-bye.
George: Goodbye. (去登机)
“阅读故事——理解故事——思考故事——探究故事”是一种循序渐进的、由表及里的教与学流程,它使语言与思维融为一体。如故事《The Bat and the Weasels》:
A bat who fell upon the ground and was caught by a weasel pleaded to be spared his life.The weasel refused ,saying that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. The bat assured him that he was not a bird,but a mouse,and thus was set free. Shortly afterwards the bat again fell to the ground and was caught .by another weasel,whom he likewise entreated not to eat him. The weasel said that he had a special hostility to mice. The bat assured him that he was not a mouse,but a bat,and thus a second time escaped.
在本故事的教学环节中,依次提出:How many times did the bat fall upon the ground?What did the bat say t0 the weasel(two times)?What do you learn from this story?逐渐引导学生理解"It is wise to turn circumstances to good account."同时引导学生联想当处于不同的特定环境,该如何应对,如前段时间的地震等,运用run,hide,look for helping等词汇进行练习,极大提升了学生语言思维的创新能力,也提高了学生的真实问题处理能力。
在故事教学中应利用有效的教学素材,渗透思想、品格、情操和价值观等。如笔者教Sharing(分享)时,随着故事的层层深入,有感情朗读,故事内容接龙等一系列课堂活动,启发学生揭示主题:"Sharing is more fun than keeping."在教学过程中不仅学习了句型"I share books with my friends."而且通过丰富多彩的课堂活动训练了口语,在故事主题升华中。学生受到感染和熏陶,塑造了美好的心灵,懂得“与人分享的快乐”。
儿童的学习主要由好奇心与兴趣诱发,适合儿童的故事,会让他们乐此不疲,充分调动与激发小学生的形象思维与创造性思维。如诗歌《Beautiful Spring》:
Beautiful spring is here./The win-ter is gone./But the birds are back./The snow is gone./But the flowers are.back./Old coats are gone. But new ones are here./Spring is a beautiful time.
短而优美的语言,运用birds、snow、flowers、coats就把春天的美丽写得如此的令人神往,借此向学生提问:What can you write about spring?激起学生的好奇,引动学生对春天的景象的想象。这个故事正好与小学牛津教材的《Season》单元结合,当然还可以选用以其他季节为内容的故事。引发学生的兴趣与好奇心。
John: Good afternoon.
George: Good afternoon,I’m flying to Singapore this afternoon.
John :Fine, I need your ticket and your passport,please.
George: (Handing them to him)My ticket and my passport.
John :Thank you. Would you like to sit in a smoking area or a non-smoking area?
George : Non-smoking,please.
John : Non-smoking.
George:Thank you. Excuse me,could I have a seat by the window,please?
John : Yes, of course.
George :Thank you very much.
John:You are welcome, have a pleasant flight, sir.
George: Thank you.
John :’Bye-bye.
George: Goodbye. (去登机)
“阅读故事——理解故事——思考故事——探究故事”是一种循序渐进的、由表及里的教与学流程,它使语言与思维融为一体。如故事《The Bat and the Weasels》:
A bat who fell upon the ground and was caught by a weasel pleaded to be spared his life.The weasel refused ,saying that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. The bat assured him that he was not a bird,but a mouse,and thus was set free. Shortly afterwards the bat again fell to the ground and was caught .by another weasel,whom he likewise entreated not to eat him. The weasel said that he had a special hostility to mice. The bat assured him that he was not a mouse,but a bat,and thus a second time escaped.
在本故事的教学环节中,依次提出:How many times did the bat fall upon the ground?What did the bat say t0 the weasel(two times)?What do you learn from this story?逐渐引导学生理解"It is wise to turn circumstances to good account."同时引导学生联想当处于不同的特定环境,该如何应对,如前段时间的地震等,运用run,hide,look for helping等词汇进行练习,极大提升了学生语言思维的创新能力,也提高了学生的真实问题处理能力。
在故事教学中应利用有效的教学素材,渗透思想、品格、情操和价值观等。如笔者教Sharing(分享)时,随着故事的层层深入,有感情朗读,故事内容接龙等一系列课堂活动,启发学生揭示主题:"Sharing is more fun than keeping."在教学过程中不仅学习了句型"I share books with my friends."而且通过丰富多彩的课堂活动训练了口语,在故事主题升华中。学生受到感染和熏陶,塑造了美好的心灵,懂得“与人分享的快乐”。