Natural history of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer-pathobiological pathways with clinical

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phirst
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Colorectal cancer hepatic metastases represent the final stage of a multi-step biological process.This process starts with a series of mutations in colonic epithelial cells,continues with their detachment from the large intestine,dissemination through the blood and/or lymphatic circulation,attachment to the hepatic sinusoids and interactions with the sinusoidal cells,such as sinusoidal endothelial cells,Kupffer cells,stellate cells and pit cells.The metastatic sequence terminates with colorectal cancer cell invasion,adaptation and colonisation of the hepatic parenchyma.All these events,termed the colorectal cancer invasion-metastasis cascade,include multiple molecular pathways,intercellular interactions and expression of a plethora of chemokines and growth factors,and adhesion molecules,such as the selectins,the integrins or the cadherins,as well as enzymes including matrix metalloproteinases.This review aims to present recent advances that provide insights into these cell-biological events and emphasizes those that may be amenable to therapeutic targeting. Colorectal cancer hepatic metastases represent the final stage of a multi-step biological process. This process starts with a series of mutations in colonic epithelial cells, continues with their detachment from the large intestine, dissemination through the blood and / or lymphatic circulation, attachment to the hepatic sinusoids and interactions with the sinusoidal cells, such as sinusoidal endothelial cells, stellate cells and pit cells. metastatic sequence terminates with colorectal cancer cell invasion, adaptation and colonization of the hepatic parenchyma. All these events, termed the colorectal cancer invasion-metastasis cascade, include multiple molecular pathways, intercellular interactions and expression of a plethora of chemokines and growth factors, and adhesion molecules, such as the selectins, the integrins or the cadherins, as well as enzymes including matrix metalloproteinases. to present recent advances that provide insights into these cell-biological e vents and emphasizes those that may be amenable to therapeutic targeting.
(八) 1931年,“九一八”事变,东三省沦为日本帝国主义殖民地。舰队长尹托芝共有十来条江船,三只海船。其中一只海船在富锦,一只在同江,留在哈尔滨身边的只有一只小型海船。事
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风云应共异才生 独看云海光明顶
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