住房抵押贷款 证券化慎前行

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今年以来,关于住房金融创新 的研讨不断,而消费信贷严 重滞后已成为住房消费未如期望的成为新经济增长点和消费热点的拦路虎之一。随着个人购房时代的到来,房价收入比偏高的地方(尤其是大城市)面临的有效需求与实际购买力之间的落差,迫切需要通过降低消费信贷的门槛,加? Since the beginning of this year, there has been a continuous discussion on innovation in housing finance. However, the severe delay in consumer credit has become one of the stumbling blocks for the new economic growth and consumer hotspots that housing consumption has failed to meet. With the advent of the era of individual purchase, the gap between effective demand and actual purchasing power faced by places with high price-income ratio (especially in large cities) urgently needs to be reduced through the threshold of consumer credit,
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