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中国的古训说,君子爱财,取之有道。可见富人要想同时还是个好人,第一步必须证实他的清白。但实际仅在这一步上,大多数的富人便已经不起考验,甚至完全主动地弃了权。否则,为什么“财不外露”会成为富人们自古及今笃守的信条呢?关于富人们的金银究竟都是怎样得来,我不打算具体揭秘,一则比较麻烦,更主要的是,群众的眼睛,只会比我更明亮!考察富人到底是否同时还称得上好人的第二步,则是他如何花钱。可惜的是,直到今天,我们虽然有幸生活在一个史无前例的发达社会,富人的绝对数目超过了任何时期——当然,比例总是很小的——但能够获得大众的敬仰、既是富人更是好人者,又多出了多少呢?最近一些资料显示:国内目前身价要以亿元计算的富人,已经达到了三位数——改革开放的成果,可见实在巨大?但数据同时证实,在慈善、公益事业中投入总和过亿的慷慨的富人,迄今却只停留在一位数。面对这样的现实,富人或其代言者们“社会不要仇富”的呼吁,虽然不无道理,要想赢得喝采却难。 China's ancient saying that gentlemen love money, take proper. Visible rich people want to be good at the same time, the first step must prove his innocence. But in fact, at this stage alone, most of the rich people can not stand the test or even completely abandon their rights. Otherwise, why does “money not be exposed ” will become the benevolent doctrine of the rich people since ancient times and today? As for the rich and the silver are actually how come, I do not intend to reveal the specific, a more troublesome, more important Yes, the eyes of the masses will only be brighter than me! The second step in examining whether a rich person also claims to be a good man at the same time is how he spends money. It is a pity that even today we are fortunate enough to live in an unprecedentedly developed society. The absolute number of rich people has exceeded any period - of course, the proportion is always small - but we gain the respect of the general public, both rich and more Is a good person, but also how much more? Some recent data show that: the current worth to millions of rich people, has reached a three-digit - the results of reform and opening up, we can see a huge? But the data also confirmed that, In the charity, public welfare undertakings invested a total of one hundred million generous rich, so far it has only stayed in single digits. In the face of such a reality, the appeal of the rich or their advocates “society does not want to benevolent”, although it is not unreasonable, it is hard to win applause.
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