
来源 :宁波经济(财经视点) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heliuer
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近来,一批原先做汽车零配件的浙江企业开始化零为整,接二连三地介入整车行业,其介入的路径以收购现有整车厂的方式最为普遍。从汽车零部件掘到第一桶金的华翔,显然也经不起整车制造利润的诱惑。华翔集团是宁波市重点培育的十八家大企业集团之一,位列中国民营企业500强,并跻身世界汽车零配件企业500强。目前,一个汽车前盖的内饰件占有了世界80%的市场,汽车空调器、塑胶总成配件等占中国市场80%份额,不仅是上海大众、一汽大众的共同体成员,而且还是通用、丰田等跨国汽车公司的零配件供应商。去年,华翔集团实现产值12亿元。华翔随着自身实力的增长,进军整车业成为寻求经营突破的出路之一。在为国内外整车厂商供应零部件的过程中,华翔积累了丰厚的汽车业基础经验和资金,避开了高资本投入的轿车业,而把投资焦点放在投资成本较低的皮卡和客车上,采用“借势”即上游企业买下游的策略,购并整车厂获得了整车制造平台。华晨集团前掌门仰融曾经在宁波做过一个汽车梦。他先是在北仑圈了3000亩土地,后又花巨资买下了开发区的长江大厦,作为未来的华晨汽车在宁波的建设基地。一时间,华晨与英国陆虎汽车公司合作在宁波造车的消息传遍了国内外。可惜好景不长,随着仰融的出事,这一项目也由此搁浅。华晨事件却给一直“凯觎”整车业的宁波民企华翔集团创造了造车的机会。去年5月,华翔受让华晨汽车持有的60%河北中兴汽车股权,并拥有了富奇汽 Recently, a batch of Zhejiang enterprises that used to do auto parts and components began to turn into zero, one after another involved in the vehicle industry, the path of its involvement in the acquisition of existing OEMs the most common way. Huaxiang dug from the auto parts to the first pot of gold, apparently can not afford the temptation of vehicle manufacturing profits. Huaxiang Group is one of eighteen large enterprise groups that Ningbo City focuses on nurturing. It ranks among the top 500 private-owned enterprises in China and ranks among the top 500 auto parts enterprises in the world. At present, a car front cover of the interior parts occupy 80% of the world market, automotive air conditioners, plastic assembly parts accounted for 80% of the Chinese market share, not only Shanghai Volkswagen, FAW-Volkswagen community members, but also GM, Toyota And other multinational auto companies spare parts suppliers. Last year, Huaxiang Group realized output value of 1.2 billion yuan. Huaxiang with its own strength growth, into the vehicle industry has become one of the ways to seek business breakthroughs. In the supply of spare parts for domestic and foreign vehicle manufacturers in the process, Huaxiang accumulated rich experience in the automotive industry and funding to avoid the high capital investment in the car industry, while the investment focus on lower investment costs pickup and Passenger cars, the use of “borrow ” that is, upstream and downstream companies to buy downstream strategy, acquisition and OEM won the vehicle manufacturing platform. Brilliance Group, former head of Yang Rong had done in Ningbo, a car dream. He first 3,000 acres of land in Beilun circle, and then spent heavily bought the Yangtze River Delta Development Zone, as the future of Brilliance Automotive’s construction base in Ningbo. For a time, Brilliance and Land Rover car company in cooperation in Ningbo repairer news spread all over the world. Unfortunately, the good news is not long, with the accident of Yang Rong, this project also ran aground. Brilliance incident has been to “Kai-fu” vehicle industry in Ningbo Huaxiang Group created the opportunity to make cars. In May last year, Huaxiang transferee Huachen 60% owned by the shares of Hebei Zhongxing Automobile, and owns rich Qiqi
CB-KING(长白-王)系列电脑是沈阳计算机通讯设备总公司遵循广大用户的愿望,采用最新技术,精心研制、生产的系列电脑产品。 CB-KING (Changbai - Wang) series of computers is
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