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我负责的科技档案馆,多年来除存有大量的文字资料外,还存有许多土地航照、工程等彩色及黑白照片。怎样保存好这些照片呢? 以前,我曾将较小的照片用影集保存,较大的航照片用档案袋保存,但是时间一久,发现有的黑白航照片发生了质变:定影过度的黑白片黄迹斑斑,定影适度的也呈现出灰土土的颜色;彩色照片也不象初照时那么鲜艳夺目了。并且,装袋的照片有许多已经粘连,影响了资料的使用。为此,我经过多次试验,想了一些办法。其中较为成功的就是利用塑料薄膜袋封存每一张航片或大的照片,再进行卷盒存藏的办法。即将欲存档的航片或照片分张装进包装食品用的塑料薄膜袋里,利用铁锯条烧热将袋封口,再将属于同一卷宗的照片或航片资 The science and technology archives I am responsible for, over the years, have a large number of color and black-and-white photographs of land aerial photographs and works in addition to a large amount of written information. How to save these photos? In the past, I used to save a smaller photo album, a larger photo saved using a portfolio, but a long time, I found some black and white photos of the film has undergone a qualitative change: fixing over the black and white film yellow trace Stained, faded modestly also shows the color of lime soil; color photos are not as vivid as the first shot. And, many of the photos that have been bagged have been stuck, affecting the use of the data. For this reason, after many tests, I thought of some ways. One of the more successful is the use of plastic film bags sealed each aerial photos or large photos, and then the storage box approach. About to be archived aerial photos or photos sub-Zhang packed into plastic food bags used in food packaging, the use of iron saw blade heat sealing the bag, and then belong to the same volume of photos or aerospace funding
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