
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijinjie1981
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为了解西北干旱区麦田蚜虫寄生蜂的多样性及优势种的种群动态,采用棋盘式五点取样法对宁夏中宁县麦蚜寄生蜂群落组成进行调查与研究,分析其多样性、丰富度、均匀度及优势度指数等指标的变化,应用Gaussian函数对各指标进行拟合,并对寄生蜂优势种的个体发生量进行时间动态描述。结果显示,该地区共调查获得麦蚜寄生蜂标本919份,隶属4总科7科12属21种,其中初寄生蜂11种,重寄生蜂10种。燕麦蚜茧蜂Aphidius avenae为初寄生蜂优势种,6月2日个体数达到顶峰,6月8日骤降,6月23日趋于平缓;重寄生蜂优势种为蚜虫宽缘金小蜂Pachyneuron aphidis、宽肩阿莎金小蜂Asaphes suspensus和蚜茧蜂长背瘿蜂Alloxysta sp.,前二者个体数均在6月18日达到最大值,6月23日呈下降趋势,后者5月28日上升,6月2日达到顶峰,6月23日缓慢降至最低值。该地区5月初麦蚜初寄生蜂的多样性指数较大,重寄生蜂的多样性指数则在5月中旬开始上升,总群落多样性指数在6月上旬最高;Gaussian函数对寄生蜂群落多样性指数时间动态变化的模型拟合参数表明,复杂农业景观下的寄生蜂物种多样性发生期明显长于简单农业景观。 In order to understand the diversity of aphid parasite wasps and the population dynamics of the dominant species in the wheat aphid in northwest arid area, a checkerboard five-point sampling method was used to investigate the composition of the parasitoid community of wheat aphid in Zhongning County, Ningxia. The diversity, abundance, Degree and dominance index, the Gaussian function was used to fit each index, and the temporal dynamics of individual occurrence of dominant species of parasitoids was described. The results showed that there were 919 specimens of parasitic wasps of wheat aphid in this area, belonging to 21 families, 12 genera and 7 families of 4 families, including 11 species of parasitoid and 10 species of parasitoid. Aphidius avenae was the predominant species of parasitoid, which peaked on June 2, plummeted on June 8 and flattened on June 23, while the dominant species of the parasitoid was Pachyneuron aphidis , Asaphes suspensus and Aspergillus mobilis Alloxysta sp., The former two individuals reached the maximum value on June 18, and showed a downward trend on June 23, the latter on May 28 The day rose, reaching its peak on June 2 and slowly dropping to the lowest on June 23. In early May, the diversity index of the parasite wasps of the wheat aphids was higher in the region, the diversity index of the parasite bees began to rise in mid-May, and the diversity index of the total community was the highest in early June. The diversity of the parasitoid community The model fitting parameters of dynamic change of exponential time indicate that the occurrence period of parasitic bee species diversity in complex agricultural landscape is obviously longer than that of simple agricultural landscape.
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【内容摘要】当今初中语文现代诗歌教学面临着越来越多的问题,针对这些状况,教育工作者需要进行认真分析和反思总结。这也要求教学工作者在带着学生体会诗歌意境、领悟情感、追求美的课堂教学的过程中,需要更多的尊重学生主体,培养学生接近美、欣赏美的能力。  【关键词】初中语文 现代诗歌 教学方式  一、苏教版语文现代诗歌特点  《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》要求:“学生要具有独立阅读的能力,注重情感体验,形成
A cationic cyclodextrin derivative 6-O-(hydroxypropyltrimethylammonia)-β-cyclodex- trin (GTA-β-CD) with low degree of substitution was prepared through a conv