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  They use 40% of the world's energy, emit 50% of its greenhouse gases. "They" are not the cars we drive. "They" are the buildings where we work, live and grow. Buildings designed with an unconscious disregard for nature. Adopting sustainable alternatives is not only a matter of progress; it's a matter of survival.
长时间的沉默,会让本已不灵活的舌头变得僵硬。  但只要找对钥匙,便能开启那锈迹斑斑的心,窥见他心中的后花园……    “You have no idea what this has meant to me. All these years I never thought you were even interested in what I had to say,” the old man told
作为美国第一大设计师品牌,从服装、香水到家饰用品,卡尔文·克莱恩一直坚守着完美简约主义——他这种简洁而舒适、休闲又不失优雅气息的设计不仅受到了美国年轻人的欢迎,还将这种具国际化潜质的美式风格引入了时尚界。他是如何迈出成功的第一步?而盛名下的惊恐又是如何潜入他与家人的生活?      Man 1: Calvin Klein is probably the most famous American d
《赎罪》    Director:Joe Wright  Cast: Saoire Ronan...Briony Tallis (aged 13)  James McAvoy ...Robbie Turner  Keira Knightley...Cecilia Tallis  Vanessa Redgrave...Briony Tallis  (old age)
5:30 a.m. New York's Grand Central Terminal rises up to face another day of challenges, uncertainty, of confronting the unknown.
One of the best things about travel is the chance to try all the different food. In Tokyo, Japan, the 1)sashimi is unbelievable. You’ll just have to take my word for it. But imagine if you could sampl
Motor-mouthed Juno is a real kid, the type you see in high schools, but not often in the movies. As played by Ellen Page, Juno is priekly and loyal, ferociously smart,but defensive.
当“美国梦”不再意味着你可以在美国闯出一片天……  当“美国梦”变成“印度梦”……
Oh, nowhere left to go.  Are we getting closer, closer?  No. All we know is No.  Nights are getting colder, colder.  Hey. Tears all fall the same.  We all feel the rain.  We can’t change.  *Everywhere
In Hastings, decorative Spanish mission style buildings take center stage and sit alongside some stunning public art. And then there is art deco Napier. Take away the parking meters and the late model