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在社会主义市场经济不断推进,国有企业改革日益深化的新形势下,企业的思想政治工作也同样面临着不断创新的课题。本文通过分析石油企业面临的新形势,针对开展思想政治工作的重要性,提出在和谐社会的背景下应如何做好企业与职工的沟通,并对思想政治工作者应具备的素质问题进行探讨。 Under the new situation in which the socialist market economy continues to be promoted and the reform of state-owned enterprises deepens day by day, the ideological and political work of enterprises also faces the task of continuous innovation. In this paper, by analyzing the new situation facing petroleum enterprises, aiming at the importance of carrying out ideological and political work, this paper puts forward how to make the communication between enterprises and staffs in the background of harmonious society and discussing the qualities that ideological and political workers should have.
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傅二石  1936年出生于江西南昌。1979年调入江苏省国画院从事国画创作。现为江苏省国画院一级美术师,傅抱石纪念馆名誉馆长,江苏省美术馆及南京博物院艺术鉴定顾问,文化部文化市场司艺术品评估委员会委员,江苏文德山水画研究会会长,中国美术家协会会员。    2006年11月29日上午,《傅二石山水画展》在中国美术馆开幕。全国政协常委、原文化部部长刘忠德先生,中国文联副主席李牧先生,中国文联副主席冯远
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深度服务是意图的核心定位,是与客户合作的根本;而代理执行服务是意图的基本功,是意图执行力的体现,也是策略实效的根本保障。 Depth of service is the core of the intent
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Beijing Sunshine Eternity Technology Co.Ltd is an enterprise specializ- ing in import and export,as well as processing of high-quality sheepskins. Combining tra
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