
来源 :课程教材教学研究(教育研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHIWEINIU
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新课程改革以来,各种版本的中小学语文教材都发生了或多或少的变化,一些文学作品因为写作年代久远、不符合时代特征、与青少年的认知水平差距较大、表达方式晦涩难懂等原因相继退出了语文课本。比如《包身工》《狼牙山五壮士》《回延安》《甘蔗林——青纱帐》等。还有一些版本对鲁迅先生作品的 Since the reform of the new curriculum, all versions of primary and middle school Chinese teaching materials have undergone more or less changes. Some literary works are far from the cognitive level of young people due to the long writing age and do not conform to the characteristics of the times. Understand other reasons have been withdrawn from the Chinese textbooks. For example, “Baogong” “Langya five warriors” “back to Yan’an” “Cane Lin - Qingsha Zhang” and so on. There are some versions of Mr. Lu Xun works
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一、摘录积累  语文教材里的选文都是经过时间检验的经典名篇,无论从语言表达、写作技巧、素材运用、思想立意哪一方面看,都是作文的范例,历来被大家推崇和模仿。模仿是创新的