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1974年12月,辽宁省象棋队南下广州与广东队比赛,其中辽宁郭长顺与广东杨官璘之战弈来新意盎然,耐人寻味。郭长顺,沈阳人氏,象棋国家大师。他棋风刚柔相济,中局运子轻灵善变,残棋功夫老练持重。1974年他首次参加了在成都举行的全国象棋个人赛,虽说是初出茅庐,但仍获得了第7名的不俗战绩。在这次辽粤对抗赛上,郭长顺推陈出新,布出了顺炮缓开车,并取得了良好效果,其中战胜了有“魔叔”之称的杨官璘。正如大家所知,顺炮局是一种对攻型布局,双方开局不久,便短兵相接,进入激烈搏杀的态势。以往双方都力争尽早将主力车投入战斗,而郭的后手应法与传统应法相比有所不同,他左车暂时不动,而先驱右炮过河,伺机压马或取兵,制约对方的子力调动配置。其实在本次比赛前5个月的时候,郭长顺曾经和杨官璘有过一次交锋,可惜以郭的失利而告终。当时杨认为这种布局先手方只要攻法得当,后手方将难占到便宜。可是令杨官璘没在想到的是,遭到败绩后的郭长顺根本没有气馁,回去后面壁思过,苦心钻研,终于寻觅出了新着。现将全局过程评注如下: In December 1974, the chess team of Liaoning Province went south to Guangzhou and Guangdong teams. Among them, Liaoning Chang Guo-shun and Guangdong Yang Guantie played a new and interesting game. Guo Changshun, Shenyang human, chess national master. His chess style is meritorious and meritorious, and his stance is subtle and changeable in the game. In 1974, he participated in the national chess individual competition held in Chengdu for the first time. Although it was a foolproof, he still won the seventh place impressive record. In this match between Liao and Yue, Guo Changshun introduced a new car and deployed a smooth gun to drive slowly, and achieved good results. Among them, the defeat of the official with the “magic uncle” was called Yang Guanli. As we all know, the succession artillery station was a type of attacking type layout. Soon after the two sides started their operation, they were short-armed and entered into a fierce fighting. In the past, both sides sought to put the main car into combat as early as possible. However, Guo’s backstage law differs from the traditional one in that he left the car for a while, Child force mobilization configuration. In fact, in the first 5 months of this competition, Guo Changshun once had a clash with Yang Guanghui, but unfortunately ended in Guo’s defeat. At that time, Yang thought that such a layout would not be cheaper for the hand side to adopt as long as it was properly tackled. However, Yang Guanli did not think so, after defeat Guo Changshun did not give up, go back and thought, painstaking research, and finally found a new book. The global process is now commented as follows: