
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:makeitreal
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一、情况中国人民民主专政是中国工人阶级、农民阶级、小资产阶级、民族资产阶级及其他爱国民主分子的人民民主统一战线的政权,而以工农联盟为基础,以工人阶级为领导。因此,各级政府机关的工作人员中都有统一战线工作。认为政府工作人员中只有工作关系,没有统一战线关系,那自然不对;认为只在上层人员间或只在有党派关系的人员间才有统一战线工作,而对于为数众多的中下层人员和无党派人员的统一战线工作,不予以应有的注意,那也是不对的。政府机关内部统一战线工作的目的,是在共同纲领基础之上,团结全体工作人员,力求进步。不断地提高政府工作的水平和效率。各级人民政府成立以来,这方面的统一战线工作一般地和基本地说是有收获的,虽然收获的多少不相同。这从政府工作的成绩可以证明,从各方面的检查和反映也已经证明了。但还有缺点和问题,从某些局部情况和个别情况看,缺点还不小。主要原因有两方面:一是时间短,经验少;二是对若干重要原则性问题的认识还不一致。我们的会议需要提出和检讨这些问题,以便巩固成绩,克服缺点,进一步地加强这一方面的统一战线工作。在中央各部门的检查和反映中,提到一些具体事件,我们将交给有关部门的负责同志,请他们负责加以适当处理,务使其都有下落。又提到某些制度问题,虽对统一战线工作有若干影响,但不可能在统一战线工作范围内加以讨论。 First, the situation The Chinese people’s democratic dictatorship is the people’s democratic united front of the working class, peasant class, petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie and other patriotic democrats. It is based on the alliance of workers and peasants and led by the working class. Therefore, the staff of government agencies at all levels have a united front work. If we think that there is only a working relationship among government workers and there is no united front relationship, then it is naturally not right; we think that there is only a united front work between upper-level personnel or only personnel with political parties. For a large number of lower-middle-level personnel and non-partisan personnel It is also wrong to refrain from paying due attention to the work of the United Front. The purpose of the United Front work within the government organs is to unite the entire staff on the basis of a common program and strive for progress. Constantly improve the level and efficiency of government work. Since the establishment of the people’s governments at all levels, the work on the united front in this respect has generally and basically been said to have reaped gains, although the amounts harvested vary. This result from the work of the government can prove that various inspections and reflections have also been proved. However, there are still some shortcomings and problems. According to some local situations and individual circumstances, the shortcomings are not small. There are two main reasons for this: First, time is short and experience is low; second, understanding of some important principles is still not consistent. Our conference needs to put forward and review these issues in order to consolidate achievements and overcome shortcomings, and to further strengthen the united front work in this respect. In the inspections and reflections of the various departments under the Central Government, we mentioned some specific incidents and we will give them to the responsible comrades of relevant departments and ask them to take appropriate measures to ensure that they have their whereabouts. Mentioning some institutional issues, although they have had some impact on the work of the United Front, it can not be discussed within the scope of the United Front work.
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