The physico-chemical properties of three mordenite with different Si / Al ratio and the dealumination of different depths were determined by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, DTA, magic angle spin nuclear magnetic resonance and hexane adsorption. Mordenite regardless of dealumination or not, have better thermal stability, significant changes in the structure of the structure are above 1000 ℃. When the mordenite was dealt with about 50% aluminum under the proper conditions, the original structure was basically maintained, but the XRD results showed that the position and intensity of the characteristic diffraction peak were changed. After the removal of the mordenite framework aluminum leaves an isolated vacancy therein, showing an increase in the amount of n-hexane adsorbed. The amount of n-hexane adsorbed is proportional to the number of dealuminated vacancies and the ratio of Si / Al of the dealuminated mordenite.