
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong547
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不同的民族有着不同的文化,文化涉及人们生活的方方面面,设计作为一种文化形式,具有文化性。基于文化的设计才能发掘人们的真正需求,才有可能成功。文化具有普遍性的同时还有着差异性,这导致设计文化在不同地区各具特色。中华民族有着深厚的文化底蕴,中国的设计要在世界设计之林立足,当务之急就是处理好“本土化”和“国际化”的关系,善待传统,研究本民族文化的内在,做出具有中国文化特色之美的优秀设计。 Different ethnic groups have different cultures. Culture involves all aspects of people’s lives. Design as a form of culture is cultural. Culture-based design can unlock the real needs of people before they can succeed. Cultural universality and diversity also lead to design culture in different regions have their own characteristics. The Chinese nation has a profound cultural background. The design of China should be based on the design of the world. The top priority is to handle the relationship between “localization” and “internationalization.” To treat tradition well and study the essence of this national culture, Outstanding design with the beauty of Chinese culture.
Geological disasters are a great threat to people’s lives and property.At present,it is difficult to evaluate quantitatively the cascading effects of regional
Scholars from environmental psychology, geography, disaster science, and sociology have recently focused attention on evacuation and relocation behaviors and in
Most policy analyses of both short-term and long-term disasters focus on aggregate impacts of their costs and the benefits of policy remedies.Distributional con
(一) 在新闻改革中,各省报都注意加强地方性,报纸的地方特色更加鲜明,十年内乱期间那种“千报一面”的令人厌恶的状况有了根本的改变。但是在这同时,似乎也还存在对地方性