适应社会主义市场经济 完善我市企业工效挂钩制度

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一、工效挂钩是国家宏观调控工资总量的办法《劳动法》第四十六条规定:国家对工资总量实行宏观调控。在新旧经济体制交替时期,在市场经济和企业自我约束机制还不完善的情况下,在工资攀比压力下,企业往往为了眼前利益,采取短期行为,少提折旧,少提生产发展基金,吃企业老本,为此,政府对企业工资总额必须进行严格调控。而工效挂钩就是国家调控工资总量的主要办法。工效挂钩是企业工资增减按照一定比例随与之挂钩的经济效益的增减相应浮动的一种企业工资决定办法。这是1985年以来我国企业在工资和工资管理体制方面一项重大改革措施。在现阶段这办法已成为处理国家与企业之间分配关系较为理想的途径,较好地适应了我国经济运行现状。二、我市企业实行工效挂钩的显著成效1985年我市实行工效挂钩企业从2户2千多人开 I. Linking ergonomics is a measure of the state’s overall macro-control of wages Article 46 of the Labor Law states that the state exercises macro-control over the total amount of wages. In the period of transition between the old and new economic systems, under the circumstances that the market economy and self-discipline mechanism of enterprises are still not perfect, under the pressure of wages and comparisons, enterprises often adopt short-term behaviors for short-term actions, pay less for depreciation, pay less for production development funds, and eat enterprises. For this reason, the government must strictly regulate the total amount of wages in enterprises. The ergonomics link is the main method for the state to regulate wages. The ergonomics link is a corporate wage decision method in which the increase or decrease of a company’s wages is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the increase or decrease in the economic efficiency linked to it. This is a major reform measure for Chinese enterprises in the management system of wages and salaries since 1985. At this stage, this approach has become an ideal way to deal with the distribution relationship between the state and the enterprise, and it is well adapted to the current status of China’s economic operation. II. Significant results in the implementation of ergonomic linkage between enterprises in our city. In 1985, ergonomics-linked enterprises in our city were opened from 2 households over 2,000 people.
上海天原化工厂是国内首家氯碱企业和国家一级企业,产品的能耗物耗占总成本的三分之二。由于地域限制,企业无法外延发展,为求增长,多年来企业坚持走内涵发展挖 Shanghai Ti
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