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孔府香油原系当年孔府家用油坊精制而成,是衍圣公后裔向皇宫进贡、家用和招待馈赠达官贵人的最佳佐料。孔府香油最早称马家村孔府香油。据记载:明朝时,太祖朱元璋在南京称帝,让孔子五十五代孙“衍圣公”孔克坚前往朝拜。他在对孔克坚进行了一番训慰后,一次就赐给孔府土地两千顷,并增拨“百户”以供奉。从此,衍圣公府的经济收入比以前大大增加,各种供职户也日趋增多。明洪武二年(公元1369年),设“百户厅”以统管。这些供职户,包括各种生活业和服务业,确定到专户供职,如刷帚户、笤帚户、编席户、洒扫户、粉户、油户、屠宰户、洗涤户等等。至明嘉靖年间,马家村杨春荣举孝廉。自此,马家村香油 Kongfu sesame oil was originally refined by the Confucius Household Oil Factory in the same year. It is the best condiment for Yan Shenggong’s descendants to pay tribute to the Imperial Palace, home, and hospitality. Kongfu sesame oil was first known as Mafucun Kongfu sesame oil. According to records, during the Ming dynasty, the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was emperor in Nanjing, allowing Sun Yat-sen, Confucius’ 55th generation, to go to worship. After giving some consolation to Kong Kejian, he once gave the Confucius House a land of 2,000 hectares and added “100 households” for worship. Since then, Yan Shenggong’s economic income has increased significantly compared with before, and various types of service providers have also increased. Ming Hongwu two years (AD 1369), set up a “hundred hall” to manage. These households, including various lifestyle industries and service industries, have been identified as special account holders, such as households with tenants, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, households, and farmers. During the Ming Jiajing period, Ma Jiacun Yang Chunrong held Xiaolian. Since then, Majia Village sesame oil
轰隆,七楼掉下四个女孩子……谁是摧花杀手? Bang, fell four girls on the seventh floor... Who is the destroyer?
一、概况: 现代生物学表明,人体功能状态主要是由微量元素和功能因子来调节。近年研究发现,微量无素和功能因子与中医理论中“肾’的关系十分密切。“肾”对人体生殖发育起
长江奶牛二场地处崇明岛,占地面积135亩,总投资额650万元,于1989年投产。目前,饲养奶牛707头,员工70人,是一个散放饲养集中挤奶的现代化奶牛场 The Changjiang Dairy Cattl
上海天原化工厂是国内首家氯碱企业和国家一级企业,产品的能耗物耗占总成本的三分之二。由于地域限制,企业无法外延发展,为求增长,多年来企业坚持走内涵发展挖 Shanghai Ti