推进油田改革与发展的各项任务和目标,政治工作肩负着提供强大精神动力、智力支持、思想保证和培养一支高素质职工队伍的重大使命。如何加强和改进企业思想政治工作,关键是要增强主动性、针对性和实效性。联系油田实际,我们认为应在以下“七个结合”上下功夫。 一、必须在“生命线”与“中心线”的结合上下功夫。坚持思想政治工作的生命线地位,首要的是解决思想认识不到位的问题。要破除思想政治工作“过时论”、“替代论”、“先后论”、“无为论”,强化“两手抓、两手都
We will push forward the various tasks and targets for the reform and development of the oilfield. Our political work shoulders the great mission of providing powerful spiritual motivation, intellectual support, ideological guarantee and training a contingent of highly qualified workers. How to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in enterprises, the key is to enhance the initiative, relevance and effectiveness. In connection with the reality of oilfields, we think we should work hard on the following “seven combinations”. First, we must work hard on the combination of “lifeline” and “centerline.” To uphold the lifelines status of ideological and political work, the most important thing is to solve the problem of lack of ideological understanding. We must eliminate ideological and political work “outdated theory”, “alternative theory”, “theory”, “inaction”, strengthen the "two hands grasp both hands are