
来源 :首都医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjzzhength
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中医药是祖国的瑰宝,有着几千年的悠久历史。在长期的历史沿革中,中药的名称也在不断的变化着。其中,有相当一部分药材名称存在一物多名,一名多物的情况,甚至出现以讹传讹、张冠李戴的现象。因此,中医师在开处方时,准确掌握易混药名的种类,并在遣方用药时准确书写就显得十分重 Chinese medicine is a treasure of the motherland and has a long history of thousands of years. In the long history, the name of Chinese medicine is also changing constantly. Among them, there are quite a number of medicinal materials that have more than one name in their names, and a multi-substance case may even appear as if they were rumored to be scrounged or crippled. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese medicine practitioners to accurately grasp the types of miscible drug names when they write prescriptions and accurately write them when they are taking drugs.
日本(CIPA影像机器工业协会)近日公布日本数码相机产业的出货实绩,统计资料累积至2004年10月份,由于日本是全球DC/DSLR最大生产设计国家,该数据颇能反映市场现况: 要点一:高
在地处上海市东海之滨的南汇区周浦镇 ,有一个家喻户晓的义诊服务组 ,这就是致公党上海市南汇区支部的周浦义务保健咨询服务组 ,自 1986年 5月 8日开始为社会义务服务以来 ,
内乡县卫生局深入学习十六大精神 ,全面贯彻《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》,扎实做好农村卫生工作 ,多策并举激活乡镇卫生院发展。——对全县 15家乡
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