当人们津津乐道于港台流行歌曲,并嘲讽大陆几十年出不了一首好歌的时候,忽然间冒出了一股“王洛宾旋风”。这股风东西南北一齐刮,刮出了种种神秘的传闻,刮出了大陆人的自豪感。最近,“王洛宾个人演唱会”正在上海举行,我们终于有机会看到了这位秃顶、胡须灰白的81岁老人。 王洛宾究竟何许人也?真是一言难尽。可是每一位稍微有点年纪的人,谁不会哼这些歌呢? “在那遥远的地方,有位好姑娘。人们走过她的帐房,都要回头留恋地张望……”
When people talked about pop songs in Hong Kong and Taiwan and ridiculed the mainland for decades, they could not get a good song. Suddenly a “Wang Luo Bin Tornado” pops up. This style of wind scraped together from east to west and from north to south, blowing out all kinds of mysterious rumors and blowing out the pride of the mainland people. Recently, “Wang Luo Bin concert” is being held in Shanghai, we finally have the opportunity to see the bald, bearded gray 81-year-old man. Wang Luo Bin what kind of people really? Really hard to say. But every one a little older, who would not hum these songs? “In that distant place, there is a good girl.People walked through her tent, must look back nostalgia ... ...”