权威报告的警示 世界银行预言,城市贫困现象“在下个世纪将成为最引人注目的、政治上最为敏感的问题”。 国际劳工组织宣布失业是遍布全球的顽症。该组织的一项最新报告表明,目前全球现有劳动力中约有30%失业,而且失业人数将继续上升。目前,科技对经济对社会发展的影响越来越大,当新的技术使生产率显著提高之后,雇主不再缩短每周的工作时间,而是在减少人手。10年之内,在工厂车间劳动的美国工人将减少到占全国总劳力的12%以下,预计到2020年,仍在工厂中劳动的人将仅占全球总劳力的不到2%,蓝领即装配线上的普通工
Warnings from authoritative reports The World Bank predicts that urban poverty will “become the most conspicuous and politically sensitive issue in the next century.” The International Labor Organization announces that unemployment is a chronic problem all over the world. A recent report by the organization shows that at present, about 30% of the world’s existing labor force is unemployed, and the number of unemployed people will continue to rise. At present, the impact of science and technology on the economy is more and more affected by social development. When the new technology significantly improves productivity, employers no longer shorten the weekly working hours but reduce their manpower. Within 10 years, the number of U.S. workers working in the factory floor will be reduced to less than 12% of the total labor force in the country. It is estimated that by 2020, those still working in the factory will account for only less than 2% of the global workforce, Ordinary workers on the assembly line