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清末建立的各省农业试验场,在进入民国以后,因为经费不足等原因而倒闭,而广东地方农林试验场不仅没有倒闭,还能继续发展,其附设的农专并成为广东高等农业教育的开端。这是民国广东近代农业发展的一个很重要的条件。传统农业文化与近代农业文化的交汇,在晚清时代已经开始。但当时仍然是以在书报上介绍近代农业科学知识为主。只有在清末各地建立农业试验场之后,近代农业才算开始。关于广东农林试验场即附设的农业专门学校的建立和发展,已经有了一些研究成果。[1]但是还有值得进一步探讨的方面。本文以民初广东地方农林试验场所编《广东农林月刊》,与广东农专学生会主编的《农声》月刊为主要文献,叙述民国早期广东地方农林试验场的发展情况。不足之处,敬请高明指教。 After the entry of the Republic of China into the Republic of China, the agricultural experiment stations of various provinces established in the late Qing Dynasty closed down due to lack of funds. However, the local agricultural and forestry pilot stations in Guangdong Province not only failed to fail but also continued to develop. The agricultural colleges attached to them became the beginning of higher agricultural education in Guangdong. This is an important condition for the development of modern agriculture in Guangdong in the Republic of China. The intersection of traditional agricultural culture and modern agricultural culture has started in the late Qing Dynasty. At that time, however, it was still based on the introduction of modern agricultural science in the newspapers. Only after the establishment of an agricultural experiment site in the late Qing Dynasty was the beginning of modern agriculture. There have been some research results on the establishment and development of agricultural specialized schools attached to Guangdong Agriculture and Forestry Experimental Field. [1] But there are other areas worth further exploration. In this paper, the monthly “Guangdong Agriculture and Forestry Monthly” compiled by Guangdong local agriculture and forestry experimental sites in the early Republic of China and the monthly report of “Agriculture Sound” edited by Guangdong Agricultural College Student Union were taken as the main articles to describe the development of the local agroforestry field in early Republic of China. Inadequacies, please advise wise.
国家经贸委副主任李荣融在日前召开的全国企业改革与管理工作会议上指出,下一步建立现代企业制度需要把握好几个重点: 第一,对国有大中型骨干企业进行规范的公司制改革,在规
市场是商品交换关系的总和,我国市场经济体制的建立决定了企业必然要进入市场。相应地,市场也对企业经理的自身素质提出了不同的要求。 The market is the sum of the comm
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