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目的分析2015-2016年尉氏县高危人群布鲁菌病感染现状及流行病学特征。方法选择2015-2016年尉氏县10个乡镇中从事畜牧饲养、兽医、屠宰及贩运的高危人群为调查对象。收集被调查对象的一般资料,包括性别、年龄、住址和职业,现场采集被调查对象静脉血,采用试管凝集试验(SAT)进行布鲁菌病血清学检测。结果共调查1 520例,其中布鲁菌病感染者86例,布鲁菌病感染率为5.66%。2015年和2016年布鲁菌病感染率分别为4.53%和6.52%,存在一定的上升趋势。不同职业、性别和年龄段的高危人群布鲁菌病感染率比较存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。水坡镇、大营镇和张市镇是布鲁菌病感染率前三位的乡镇,分别为7.41%、7.03%和6.90%,朱曲镇布鲁菌病感染率最低为3.45%。结论尉氏县高危人群布鲁菌病感染呈上升趋势,应加强相关预防感染的健康教育工作,提高防控意识。 Objective To analyze the prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis in high-risk population from 2015 to 2016 in Weishi county. Methods We selected high-risk groups engaged in livestock husbandry, veterinary medicine, slaughter and trafficking in 10 townships in Weishi County from 2015 to 2016 as the survey subjects. General information of the surveyed subjects, including gender, age, address and occupation, was collected. Venous blood samples were collected from the subjects and tested for brucellosis by tube agglutination test (SAT). Results A total of 1 520 cases were investigated, of which 86 were Brucella infection and Brucella infection was 5.66%. The prevalence rates of brucellosis in 2015 and 2016 were 4.53% and 6.52%, respectively. There was a certain upward trend. There were significant differences in brucellosis infection rates among high-risk groups with different occupations, sex and age (P <0.05). Shuipo Town, Daying Town and Zhang Town are the first three villages with brucellosis infection rates of 7.41%, 7.03% and 6.90% respectively. The lowest brucellosis infection rate in Zhuqu Town is 3.45%. Conclusion The prevalence of brucellosis in high-risk population in Weishi County is on the rise. Health education related to infection prevention should be strengthened to raise awareness of prevention and control.
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