The annual mean sketches and climatological variability of the volume and heat transports through th

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong545
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The annual mean volume and heat transport sketches through the inter-basin passages and transoceanic sections have been constructed based on 1 400-year spin up results of the MOM4p1. The spin up starts from a state of rest, driven by the monthly climatological mean force from the NOAA World Ocean Atlas(1994). The volume transport sketch reveals the northward transport throughout the Pacific and southward transport at all latitudes in the Atlantic. The annual mean strength of the Pacific-Arctic-Atlantic through flow is 0.63×106 m3/s in the Bering Strait. The majority of the northward volume transport in the southern Pacific turns into the Indonesian through flow(ITF) and joins the Indian Ocean equatorial current, which subsequently flows out southward from the Mozambique Channel, with its majority superimposed on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC). This anti-cyclonic circulation around Australia has a strength of 11×106 m3/s according to the model-produced result. The atmospheric fresh water transport, known as P-E+R(precipitation minus evaporation plus runoff), constructs a complement to the horizontal volume transport of the ocean. The annual mean heat transport sketch exhibits a northward heat transport in the Atlantic and poleward heat transport in the global ocean. The surface heat flux acts as a complement to the horizontal heat transport of the ocean. The climatological volume transports describe the most important features through the inter-basin passages and in the associated basins, including: the positive P-E+R in the Arctic substantially strengthening the East Greenland Current in summer; semiannual variability of the volume transport in the Drake Passage and the southern Atlantic-Indian Ocean passage; and annual transport variability of the ITF intensifying in the boreal summer. The climatological heat transports show heat storage in July and heat deficit in January in the Arctic; heat storage in January and heat deficit in July in the Antarctic circumpolar current regime(ACCR); and intensified heat transport of the ITF in July. The volume transport of the ITF is synchronous with the volume transport through the southern Indo-Pacific sections, but the year-long southward heat transport of the ITF is out of phase with the heat transport through the equatorial Pacific, which is northward before May and southward after May. This clarifies the majority of the ITF originating from the southern Pacific Ocean. The annual mean volume and heat transport sketches through the inter-basin passages and transoceanic sections have been constructed based on 1 400-year spin up results of the MOM4p1. The spin up starts from a state of rest, driven by the monthly climatological mean force The volume mean transport of the Pacific-Arctic-Atlantic through flow is 0.63 × 106 m3 / s in the Bering Strait. The majority of the northward volume transport in the southern Pacific turns into the Indonesian through flow (ITF) and joins the Indian Ocean equatorial current, which again flows out of the southward from the Mozambique Channel, with its majority superimposed on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). This anti-cyclonic circulation around Australia has a strength of 11 × 106 m3 / s according to the model-produced result. fresh water transport, known as P-E + R (precipitation minus evaporation plus runoff), constructs a complement to the horizontal volume transport of the ocean. The annual mean heat transport sketch exhibits a northward heat transport in the Atlantic and poleward heat transport in the global ocean. The surface heat flux acts as a complement to the horizontal heat transport of the ocean. The climatological volume transports describe the most important features through the inter-basin passages and in the associated basins, including: the positive P-E + R in the Arctic substantially strengthening the East Greenland Current in summer; semiannual variability of the volume transport in the Drake Passage and the southern Atlantic-Indian Ocean passage; and annual transport variability of the ITF intensifying in the boreal summer. The climatological heat transports show heat storage in July and heat deficit in January in the Arctic; heat storage in January and heat deficit in July in the Antarctic ci rcThe volume transport of the ITF is synchronous with the volume transport through the southern Indo-Pacific sections, but the year-long southward heat transport of the ITF is out of phase with the heat transport through the equatorial Pacific, which is northward before May and southward after May. This clarifies the majority of the ITF originating from the southern Pacific Ocean.
摘 要:初中数学具有很强的抽象性和综合性,对学生的思维能力要求比较高,同时,在学生思维能力培养方面,数学有着其他学科无法取代的优势。问题导学法是一种比较先进的新型教学方法,将其运用在初中数学教学中,可以有效提高课堂教学效果。  关键词:初中数学 问题导学法 思维能力  随着新课改的不断深入,初中数学教学面临一系列的改革要求。初中数学教师为了响应新课改的号召,也在不断探索新的教学模式,问题导学法也在
摘 要:初中思想品德的生活化特质决定了课堂教学的方向,教师要深度挖掘生活中的案例,针对生活案例展开教学活动,服务于学生道德品质的发展。生活中的案例具有多元性,教师应结合生本和文本的需求,多角度对案例进行选择、呈现、设疑、评价,促成课堂教学的系统体系,使学生获得健康成长的正能量。  关键词:初中教学 思想品德 生活案例  一、案例选择,做好教学调查工作  生活案例的内容非常宽泛,教师需要根据学生和教
一种基于M68HC08MCU和新型单总线温度传感器DS1820的温度监控系统的设计方法。 A Design Method of Temperature Monitoring System Based on M68HC08MCU and DS1820 Temper
摘 要:充分发挥学生的主体作用,引导学生合作和竞争,为课堂注入活力。在英语课堂教学活动中要多些竞争,学生在公平竞争中实现相互激励、相互帮助,取长补短,最终实现共同发展和进步。  关键词:初中英语 课堂教学 小组合作 竞学  传统的课堂教学模式是教师单向灌输,学生被动接受,忽略了学生的主体地位。学生对学习活动不感兴趣,容易导致注意力不集中、心情压抑的现象。教师可以通过小组的合作竞争,调动学生的积极主
摘 要:从目前情况分析,新课改对推进高中物理课的教学改革起到了积极的作用,并且取得了良好的教学效果。但也遇到很大的困扰并面临严峻的挑战,更重要的是,教师在实施过程中并没有真正落实新课改理念,这也使得高中物理教学并没有达到预期目标,无法提升学生的物理学习能力。本文主要阐述了新形势下高中物理教学存在的教学弊端,提出具有建设性的改进措施,以提高学生的物理学习能力。  关键词:高中物理 课堂教学 策略  
受应试教育影响,中小学音乐课程被许多学校忽视甚至忽略。想象一下,学校里的学生们如果不能乘着歌声的翅膀飞翔,没有歌声陪伴他们的生活,没有接受经典、高雅音乐的熏陶,他们的成长必然是枯燥的,我们的教育必然是缺失的。教育应该是塑造人的工程,让学生具有健全的人格。中小学生健全人格的塑造有赖于德智体美劳的全面发展,因此音乐教育不可或缺。  一、重视音乐课的美育和德育功能  音乐新课程标准的出台和实施,像一股春
摘 要:高中的音乐课堂,我们要适当地渗透合唱指挥的教学内容,帮助高中生掌握合唱指挥的相关知识,让他们规范指挥的动作,提升自身的合唱能力。本文从指挥的要求入手,在省、准、美、深四个方面展开具体的论述,帮助高中生科学掌握指挥的技能技巧,引导他们在音乐教学中快乐的舞动灵魂。  关键词:高中音乐 合唱指挥 舞动灵魂  高中音乐教学应该把合唱指挥作为一个重点内容来抓,音乐教师要结合合唱歌曲的训练,渗透合唱指
摘 要:本文主要结合高中地理学科的具体教学内容,通过使用地理图片来突出学科区域的认知素养,通过相关活动,培养学生地理学科的实践素养,提升学科综合思维水平,使高中生形成地理学核心素养的观念。  关键词:高中生 地理学科 核心素养  核心素养,尤其是地理核心素养是推动地理课程改革的理念之一。地理學科的内涵和核心素养,包括稳定的心理品格和学习地理的方法等。只有在地理核心素养的辅助之下,高中生才可达成地理