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一种结构精巧便携的20/40米波段高增益天线2001年,VE7CA在《QST》上发表了一篇关于便携两单元短波八木的文章,我意识到这种天线用于无线电应急通信是极好的,我打算带着这天线去参加ARRL户外日活动。原本天线的设计仅需要在两棵树上固定两点,用来撑起天线,而我在考虑如何让这种天线的增益最大化,并且在易用性上不打折扣。让电波穿越山和大海户外日活动在西海岸,现在正值太阳黑子活动的最低时间, An Exponentially Portable 20/40 Meters High-Gain Antenna In 2001, VE7CA published a paper on portable two-unit shortwave Yagi in “QST” and I realized that this antenna is excellent for radio emergency communications I intend to take this antenna to ARRL outdoor day activities. Originally the design of the antenna required only two points to be fixed on two trees to hold the antenna, and I was thinking about how to maximize the gain of the antenna and not compromise on ease of use. Let the radio waves through the mountains and the sea outdoor day activities in the West Coast, now is the sunshine sunspot activity of the minimum time,
The existence of rolling deformation area in the rolling mill system is the main characteristic which distinguishes the other machinery. In order to analyze the
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路内停车位占用道路空间资源,是造成城市中心交通拥堵、 引发交通安全隐患的重要因素.有必要研究路内停车率的动态决策方法,使路内容量最优.本文在出行成本函数中引入油耗成
近年来, 我国建筑施工安全受到广泛关注. “十三五规划” 中国家对安全生产部署做出了相关强调, 政府对建筑的施工拆除的安全问题越加重视, 一方面反映了我国施工拆除阶段确