The impact of cropland conversion on environmental effect in the Loess Plateau: a pilot study based

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeyeye5122
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Conversion of cropland to forestry and grassland is an important method to reduce soil erosion and improve the biophysicalenvironmentin the Loess Plateau.The feasibility,methods,and environmentaleffectsofcropland conversion were studied based on 11 typicalwatershedsofnational experimentalbasesinstead ofdifferentgeographic areasofthe LoessPlateau.Between 1986 and 2000, cropland,sloping cropland and non-agriculturalland decreased by 8% ,92.5% and 8% respectively, while forestry increased by 15.7% .The land use change notonly decreased annualsoilerosion by 74% , but also increased vegetation coverage by 100% and improved the soil condition and biodiversity.This can be achieved by building basic farmland,increasing capitaland scientific input, and planting treesand grassesaccording to thenaturalbiophysicalrestrictions. Conversion of cropland to forestry and grassland is an important method to reduce soil erosion and improve the biophysicalenvironment of the Loess Plateau. The feasibility, methods, and environmentaleffectsofcroplandcontraction were studied based on 11 typical watersheds of national experimental patterns of different geographic areas of the Loess Plateau .etween 1986 and 2000, cropland, sloping cropland and non-agricultural land decreased by 8%, 92.5% and 8% respectively, while forestry increased by 15.7%. The land use change not decreased less annualsoil erosion by 74%, but also increased vegetation coverage by 100% and improved the soil condition and biodiversity .This can be achieved by building basic farmland, increasing capitaland scientific input, and planting treesand grassesaccording to thenaturalbiophysicalrestrictions.
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