Characteristics of Optic Nerve Damage Induced by Chronic Intraocular Hypertension in Rat

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Purpose:To set up the Sharma’s chronic intraocular hypertension model and investigate the intraocular pressure (IOP) as well as the optic nerve damage of this model in rat. Methods:The operations of the chronic intraocular hypertension model were performed as described by Sharma in 60 male Lewis albino rats. IOP was measured using the Tono-Pen XL immediately after surgery and then at 5 day, 2 week or 4 week intervals. Cresyl violet staining of whole-mounted retinas was used to label retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), then RGCs were counted. Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) staining was performed in the semi-thin cross sections of optic nerve of rat, in order to know whether the axons of optic nerve were degenerated or not. Results:There were 47 rats with higher IOP after the episcleral veins cauterized in 60 rats. The ratio of elevated IOP was 78.3%. The IOPs were stable in 4 weeks. After cresyl violet staining, the RGCs loss was 11.0% and 11.3% was found in the central and peripheral retina respectively after 2 weeks of increased IOP. After 4 weeks of increased IOP, the loss of RGCs was 17% for the central retina and 24.6% for the peripheral retina. In the retinas without higher IOP, there was no loss of RGCs. PPD staining showed that optic nerve of rat with about 5.3% damage of axons located at the superior temporal region. Region of affected optic nerve 1 mm posterior to the globe by light microscope showed evidence of damaged axons with axonal swelling and myelin debris. Conclusion:Sharma’s chronic intraocular hypertension model is a reproducible and effective glaucoma model, which mimics human glaucoma with chronically elevation IOP and induced RGCs loss and damage of optic nerve. Eye Science 2004;20:25-29. Methods: To set up the Sharma’s chronic intraocular hypertension model and investigate the intraocular pressure (IOP) as well as the optic nerve damage of this model in rat. Methods: The operations of the chronic intraocular hypertension model were performed as described by Sharma in 60 Male Lewis albino rats. IOP was measured using the Tono-Pen XL immediately after surgery and then at 5 days, 2 weeks or 4 weeks intervals. Cresyl violet staining of whole-mounted retinas was used to label retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), then Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) staining was performed in the semi-thin cross sections of optic nerve of rat, in order to know whether the axons of optic nerve were degenerated or not. Results: There were 47 rats with higher IOP after the The ratio of elevated IOP was 78.3%. The IOPs were stable in 4 weeks. After cresyl violet staining, the RGCs loss was 11.0% and 11.3% was found in the central and peripheral retina r After 4 weeks of increased IOP. The loss of RGCs was 17% for the central retina and 24.6% for the peripheral retina. In the retinas without higher IOP, there was no loss of RGCs. PPD staining showed that optic nerve of rat with about 5.3% damage of axons located at the superior temporal region. Region of affected optic nerve 1 mm posterior to the globe by light microscope showed evidence of damaged axons with axonal swelling and myelin debris. Conclusion: Sharma’s chronic intraocular hypertension model is a reproducible and effective glaucoma model, which mimics human glaucoma with chronically elevation IOP and induced RGCs loss and damage of optic nerve. Eye Science 2004; 20: 25-29.
研究了连续柱状晶组织Cu Ni10Fe1Mn合金板试样沿平行柱状晶生长方向(SD)和垂直柱状晶生长方向(PD)拉伸时的力学性能和变形行为,讨论了连续柱状晶组织各向异性对合金力学性能
每年5月,都要在北京举办一次VXI技术大会。今年,’99 VXI技术大会象往常一样如期召开。这项活动是自96年起由中国计量测试学会VXI技术委员会与美国VXI总线联合会和美国VXI系
谁若不把旁人做前车之鉴,旁人便把他做前车之鉴。 If others do not learn from others, others will take him as a warning.
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各有关单位:公路桥梁板式橡胶支座等六项交通行业标准业经审查通过,现予发布,自2 0 0 4年6月1日起实施。六项标准的编号和名称是:1 .JT/T 4 2 0 0 4 公路桥梁板式橡胶支座2