Phenolic profile and biological potential of Endopleura uchi extracts

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayin2
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Objective:To improve the knowledge on the metabolite composition of Endopleura uchi bark,concerning phenolic compounds,and to evaluate some of its biological capacities for further possible exploitation in food and pharmaceutical industries associated to their healthpromoting qualities.Methods:Two different extracts(infusion and hydroethanolic) were studied concerning phenolic composition and biological potential.Results:Five compounds were determined by HPLC-DAD,being bergenin the major one.In general way,infusion presents a greater richness in these metabolites.The antioxidant,acetylcholinesterase.butyrylcholinesterase,α-glucosidase and antibacterial activity were checked by in vitro assays.A dose-dependent response was noticed against DPPH,superoxide and nitric oxide radicals,acetylcholinesterase,butyrylcholinesterase and against α-glucosidase inhibitory assay.Antibacterial capacity of both extracts was investigated against Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria,being more effective against the first one.The concentrations of infusion extract tested here revealed that is non-toxic for intestinal(Caco-2) cells line.Conclusions:The results suggest that the extracts of Endopleura uchi may be interesting for incorporating in pharmaceutical preparations for human health,since it can suppress hyperglycaemia and inhibit cholinesteases,and or as food additive due to its antiradical and antibacterial activities. Objective: To improve the knowledge on the metabolite composition of Endopleura uchi bark, concerning to phenolics compounds, and to evaluate some of its biological capacities for further possible exploitation in food and pharmaceutical industries associated to their health proficiency qualities. Methods: Two different extracts (infusion and hydroethanolic) were obtained concerning phenolic composition and biological potential. Results: Five compounds were determined by HPLC-DAD, being bergenin the major one. In general way, infusion presents a greater richness in these metabolites. antioxidant, acetylcholinesterase. butyrylcholinesterase, α- glucosidase and antibacterial activity were checked by in vitro assays. A dose-dependent response was noticed against DPPH, superoxide and nitric oxide radicals, acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase and against α-glucosidase inhibitory assay. Antibacterial capacity of both extracts was ground against Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria, being more effect ive against the first one. The concentrations of infusion extract tested here that that non-toxic for intestinal (Caco-2) cells line. Conclusions: The results suggest that the extracts of Endopleura uchi may be interesting for incorporating in pharmaceutical preparations for human health, since it can suppress hyperglycaemia and inhibit cholinesteases, and or as food additive due to its antiradical and antibacterial activities.
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