
来源 :量子光学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbswile
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为实现加密图像信息的远距离安全恢复,本文提出一种基于量子密钥分发的远距离加密计算鬼成像方案。该方案利用量子密钥对远端Alice计算鬼成像系统探测到的桶探测值进行加密,并通过长距离光纤量子信道发送给本端Bob,在本端解密后与通过经典信道获得的散斑图进行关联计算,恢复出待测物体图像。实验结果表明:在原始密钥错误率4.75%的情况下,恢复图像的均方误差为0.10、峰值信噪比为9.96dB。采用纠错处理后,密钥错误率降至1%,恢复图像的均方误差为0.061,降低了40%;峰值信噪比为12.16dB,上升了22%,获得了高质量的恢复图像。 In order to achieve long-distance security recovery of encrypted image information, this paper proposes a remote image encryption algorithm based on quantum key distribution. The scheme uses the quantum key to encrypt the bucket detection value detected by the remote Alice computing ghost imaging system and sends it to the local Bob through the long-distance optical fiber quantum channel. After the local decryption and the speckle pattern obtained through the classical channel Correlation calculation, restore the object image to be measured. Experimental results show that the mean square error of the restored image is 0.10 and the peak signal to noise ratio is 9.96dB under the original key error rate of 4.75%. After the error correction, the error rate of the key is reduced to 1%, the mean square error of the restored image is 0.061, which is reduced by 40%; the peak signal to noise ratio is 12.16dB, increased by 22%, and a high quality restored image is obtained.
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