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[目的]评价泰安市无脊灰后急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测工作质量,为其他传染病控制提供借鉴。[方法]对2001~2009年泰安市AFP病例监测资料进行分析。[结果]2001~2009年泰安市累积报告AFP病例198例,15岁以下人群年均报告发病率为2.55/10万。6县(市、区)15岁以下人群年均报告发病率,宁阳县为5.85/10万,泰山区为1.25/10万,岱岳区为1.65/10万,肥城市为2.35/10万,新泰市为2.03/10万,东平县为2.37/10万(P<0.01)。198例AFP病例中,<1~4岁的分别占11.62%、13.64%、12.63%、8.59%,5~9岁占26.26%,10~15岁占19.19%;男性占65.66%,女性占34.34%;报告时间5~10月的占66.67%;乡镇级医疗单位报告的占1.01%,县级医院报告的占32.83%,地(市)级医院报告的占50.00%,省级医院报告的占14.14%,主动搜索发现的占2.02%;及时报告率为97.98%,及时调查率为100.00%,及时随访率为98.48%。检测191例双份粪便标本,分离出32株肠道病毒,包括非脊灰肠道病毒19株,I~Ⅲ型脊灰疫苗株分别为4、3、6株,未检出脊灰野病毒。[结论]2001~2009年泰安市AFP病例各项监测指标均在较高水平,未发现脊灰野病毒引起的病例。 [Objective] To evaluate the quality of monitoring of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases without poliomyelitis in Tai’an and provide reference for the control of other infectious diseases. [Methods] The surveillance data of AFP cases in Tai’an from 2001 to 2009 were analyzed. [Results] A total of 198 AFP cases were reported in Tai’an City from 2001 to 2009, and the average annual incidence rate was 2.55 / 100000 under 15 years of age. The average incidence rate of people under the age of 15 in 5 counties (cities and districts) was 5.85 per 100 000 in Ningyang County, 1.25 per 100 000 in Taishan District, 1.65 per 100 000 in Daiyue District and 2.35 per 100 000 in Feicheng City , Xintai 2.03 / 100000, Dongping 2.37 / 100000 (P <0.01). Of 198 cases of AFP, <1 to 4 years old accounted for 11.62%, 13.64%, 12.63% and 8.59%, respectively, accounting for 26.26% of patients aged 5 to 9 years and 19.19% of those aged 10 to 15 years; 65.66% of men and 34.34% of women %; Reporting time from May to October accounted for 66.67%; township medical units reported 1.01%, county hospitals reported 32.83%, prefectural (city) level hospitals reported 50.00%, provincial hospitals reported 14.14%, active search found 2.02%; promptly reported rate of 97.98%, timely investigation rate of 100.00%, timely follow-up rate of 98.48%. Totally 191 cases of double stool samples were detected, 32 strains of enterovirus were isolated, including 19 strains of non-polio enterovirus and 4, 3 and 6 strains of poliovirus type I-III respectively. No poliovirus was detected. [Conclusion] The monitoring indicators of AFP cases in Tai’an from 2001 to 2009 were all at a high level, and no cases of poliovirus were found.
为了对面向服务的企业(service oriented enter-prise,SOE)中的业务服务提供全面的、有业务含义的、可扩展的描述,并支持SOE的业务构建及运行,从业务角度入手,在提出一个SOE
要做好后进生的转化工作,就要分析他们不同的成因,采取相应的教学策略,用爱心、诚心、耐心帮助他们,成为他们的朋友,就能把他们转化成优秀的学生。 To do a good job in the