
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjie51
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Introduction. Hematological diseases are seldom found as the etiology of isch emic strokes, but are frequently investigated by expensive laboratory tests afte r a first cerebral vascular event. Methods. In the Lausanne Stroke Registry, we retrospectively reviewed the cases of patients hospitalized between 1979 and 2001 for a first is chemic arterial stroke which was attributed to a hematological etiology. Of 4697 patients, 22 (0.47 per cent) had a stroke due to one of the following hematolog ical pathology: polycythemia vera (4), secondary polycythemia (4), essential thr ombocytemia (2), secondary thrombocytosis (4), multiple myeloma (1), CIVD (1), p rotein S deficiency (1), antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (4), moderate homocy steinemia (1). A literature review was undertaken for each hemopathy. Conclusion . In light of the results of these data, we concluded that a complete blood coun t provides sufficient hematological screening for the majority of patients hospi talized for an arterial stroke. The antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is a rare cause of cerebral infarction, which needs to be investigated in young patients, in cases of multiple or recurring stroke or in the presence of a typical histor y. Inherited thrombophilias are not a significant risk factor for arterial cereb ral infarction and their investigation is only warranted for a sub-group of yo ung patients with a cryptogenic stroke, in which group the prevalence is slightl y increased. Moderate homocysteinemia must be considered as a cerebrovascular ri sk factor of minor importance, but potentially treatable by a substitution of vi tamin B 12, B 6 and folates. The efficacy of this substitution in the prevention of cardiovascular events needs vet to be demonstrated. Introduction. Hematological diseases are seldom found as the etiology of isch emic strokes, but are frequently investigated by expensive laboratory tests afte ra first cerebral vascular event. Methods. In the Lausanne Stroke Registry, we retrospectively reviewed the cases of patients hospitalized between 1979 and 2001 Of 4697 patients, 22 (0.47 per cent) had a stroke due to one of the following hematological pathology: polycythemia vera (4), secondary polycythemia (4), essential thr ombocytemia (2), secondary thrombocytosis (4), multiple myeloma (1), CIVD (1), p rotein S deficiency (1), antiphospholipid antibody syndrome undertaken for each hemopathy. Conclusion. In light of the results of these data, we said that a complete blood coun t provides sufficient hematological screening for the majority of patients hospi talized for an ar The antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is a rare cause of cerebral infarction, which needs to be investigated in young patients, in cases of multiple or recurring stroke or in the presence of a typical histor y. Inherited thrombophilias are not a significant risk factor for arterial cerebral ral infarction and their investigation is only warranted for a sub-group of yo ung patients with a cryptogenic stroke, in which group the prevalence is slightl y increased. Moderate homocysteinemia be be considered as a cerebrovascular ri sk factor of minor importance, but potentially treatable by a substitution of vi tamin B 12, B 6 and folates. The efficacy of this substitution in the prevention of cardiovascular events needs vet to be demonstrated.
决定乘坐骆驼进入塔克拉玛干大沙漠的那一天,万里晴空,云彩全无。太阳,是千枝万枝烙红的毒箭,不分青红皂白地猛猛发射;风着火了,人也淘淘地烧着,烧着。牵骆驼的,是个维吾尔老人。他皮肤很黑,牙齿很黄,皱纹很多,话很少。白白的沙,烫得好似在冒着袅袅的烟气,而他,竟然赤足。那双千锤百炼的脚,龟裂成比世界地图更为复杂的图形。  牵着骆驼,他低着头,走。  走进空旷而苍茫的、美丽而恐怖的塔克拉玛干大沙漠。  空
Background and Purpose -The Stroke PROTECT (Preventing Recurrence Of Thromb oembolic Events through Coordinated Treatment) program systematically implements , a
那时初识朝晖君 ,知道他是写诗的 ,莫名的我就有几分崇拜他、敬重他 ,因为当一名诗人多少要有点被“饿死”的心理准备和勇气。在当今物欲泛滥的经济大潮中 ,这也是个商人愈来