新生儿筛查(Neonatal screening)是指在新生儿群体中,用快速、敏感的实验室方法对新生儿的遗传代谢病、先天性内分泌异常以及某些危害严重的遗传性疾病进行筛查,其目的是对那些患病的新生儿在临床症状尚未表现之前或表现轻微时得以早期诊断、早期治疗,避免和减少智力和体格发育落后的发生。我国是是世界上出生缺陷的高发国家之一。目前我国已把新生儿筛查作为公共卫生妇幼项目的重要组成部分,主要筛查先天性甲状腺功能低下症
Neonatal screening refers to the screening of neonatal genetic metabolic diseases, congenital endocrine disorders, and certain serious devastating hereditary diseases in a neonatal population using a rapid and sensitive laboratory method, which The purpose is to early diagnosis, early treatment, to prevent and reduce the occurrence of mental retardation and physical development retardation for those newborns who are ill before clinical symptoms or mild manifestations. Our country is one of the high-incidence countries with birth defects in the world. At present, China has the neonatal screening as an important part of women’s and children’s health project, the main screening of congenital hypothyroidism