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Computer hardware has always changed rapidly, but input/output devices, interaction techniques, and software for human computer interaction have not experienced similar growth and improvement. The GUI based style of interaction has made computers simpler and easier to use, especially for office productivity applications where computers are used as tools to accomplish specific tasks. However, as the way we use computers changes and computing becomes more pervasive and ubiquitous, largely due to advances in bandwidth and mobility, GUIs will not easily support the range of interactions necessary to meet users’ needs. In order to accommodate a wider range of scenarios, tasks, users, and preferences, we need to move toward interfaces that are natural, intuitive, adaptive, and unobtrusive. “Perceptive media” is an interdisciplinary initiative to combine multimedia display and machine perception to create useful, adaptive, responsive interfaces between people and technology. This article describes and investigates aspects of perceptive media and gives examples of work in one particular sub area, Vision Based Interfaces. Computer hardware has always changed rapidly, but input / output devices, interaction techniques, and software for human computer interaction have not not See similar similar growth and improvement. The GUI based style of interaction has made computers simpler and easier to use, especially for office productivity applications Where, computers are used as tools to accomplish specific tasks. However, as the way we use computers changes and computing became more pervasive and ubiquitous, largely due to advances in bandwidth and mobility, GUIs will not easily support the range of interactions necessary to meet users ’needs. In order to accommodate a wider range of scenarios, tasks, users, and preferences, we need to move toward interfaces that are natural, intuitive, adaptive, and unobtrusive. “Perceptive media” is an interdisciplinary initiative to combine multimedia display and machine perception to create useful, adaptive, responsive interfaces between people and technology. This a rticle describes and investigates aspects of perceptive media and gives examples of work in one particular sub area, Vision Based Interfaces.
摘 要 把信息技术与数学教学过程有机地结合起来,可以改进数学教学方式,提高教学效率。借助信息技术的优势及现代的教育理念,教师能够弥补许多传统教学中的不足,更大限度地激发学生的潜能,提高学生学习兴趣,使数学课堂效果最优化。  关键词 教学方式;信息技术;课堂效果  中图分类号:G632 文獻标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2018)20-0030-01  下面我结合自身的教学实践,就信息技