全国同步举行增殖放流活动 90场大型活动共放流苗种超10亿单位

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6月6日,由农业部组织倡导的全国同步增殖放流活动在各地同步举行。全国有23个省区市参加了此次活动,共举办大型增殖放流活动90场,放流水生生物苗种超过10亿单位。当天,农业部与福建省政府、中国海洋石油总公司在福州联合举行2015年全国同步增殖放流活动(主会场)暨台湾海峡增殖放流活动,共放流大黄鱼、花鲈、黄鳍鲷等重要经济和珍稀濒危生物苗种超过4亿单位。该活动也是落实两岸渔业界有关方面签署的《关于冷水性鱼类养殖技术和 June 6, initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture advocated by the national synchronized proliferation and relief activities simultaneously held in various places. Twenty-three provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities throughout the country participated in the event, holding a total of 90 large-scale proliferation and release activities and releasing over 1 billion units of aquatic biological seedlings. On the same day, the Ministry of Agriculture and the China’s Fujian Provincial Government and China National Offshore Oil Corporation jointly held an important national economy of simultaneous amplification and discharge (main venue) in 2015 and the proliferation and release of the Taiwan Strait in Fuzhou, releasing a large number of major economies such as big yellow croaker, perch and yellowfin bream And more than 400 million rare and endangered species of seed. The event is also the implementation of “cross-Strait fisheries sector signed” on the cold-water fish farming technology and
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